This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link --most are recorded and available at your convenience. Check the Educational tab for selections. Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #637 October-Pink
Good Morning!
Here comes October and with it PINK. Breast Cancer Awareness month and the little pink ribbons and everything pink is here to remind us that the whole month is dedicated to this disease. Even football players will be promoting pink! It enrages me because so little of your hard earned money is actually going toward cancer research. Most of the American Cancer Society’s budget is advertising, putting on fund raising events and promoting equipment that takes mammograms.
Whether you buy into this whole pink thing, or not; I think the focus should be about Breast Health, and not about the disease. There is some wonderful information on the internet in preventing breast cancer but the ACS doesn’t stand behind any of it. There is no profit in prevention, only in treatment and detection.
I have never had a mammogram and I intend to not have one. I still have not been proven the risk is worth the benefit of being exposed to this heavy radiation and compression. There is too much evidence that mammography only is effective in identifying DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) tumors which are slow growing and generally nonmalignant.
Another factor is that the radiograph is only as good as the person reading it—it is all subject to interpretation. Malcolm Gladwell, from the, New Yorker, reports on the low efficacy of mammograms and the fallibility of the radiologists who read them. Researchers in one study, for example, found a broad spectrum of accuracy when they asked ten board-certified radiologists to analyze 150 mammograms. One radiologist caught 85 percent of the cancers on first look; another, just 37 percent. Check this link out: http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/7693
There are many other more efficient ways of detecting tumors including self-exam. Prevention has always been my motto and no matter how much the American Cancer Society wants you to believe it—mammography is not prevention; it is detection. I make it my personal boycott not to wear pink or buy anything pink during the month of October. Only 3% of your donations actually support research and that research does not include natural therapies. There have been numerous natural therapies to cure cancer but none are sanctioned by the ACS. Watch: http://vimeo.com/25279346
Dr. Northrup recommends at least 1,000 IUs of vitamin D-3 daily, and studies indicate that tocotrienols, a form of vitamin E (vitamin E Complete) found in nuts and seeds, eggs, rice, and leafy vegetables, also dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer. Bioflavonoids, which are found in vitamin C, may inhibit estrogen synthesis, and the good bacteria in probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus help to detoxify estrogen made in the body after it’s been used.
Eat a balanced diet. Organic whole foods reduce the risk of breast cancer by modulating estrogen, a chemical that’s native to our bodies but a frequent precursor to cancer when present in the wrong amounts. For example, cruciferous vegetables—such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens—contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which changes how estrogen is metabolized, making the body’s own estrogen less likely to promote cancer. When you can’t fit in eating enough of these, Indole 3 Carbinol can be taken in supplement form. http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=1506-4
There is much evidence that even higher doses of vitamin D3 are required to protect against cancer. Getting tested to find out what your levels are should be promoted by the ACS instead of promoting mammograms and buying insurance to cover expensive surgeries. Experts agree that the D levels in your blood should be above 70mg nl. This helps support the immune system and protect against cancer. At the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in April 2006, researchers offered compelling evidence that boosting vitamin D intake could help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Along with doing self-exams, a woman should do breast massage to move congested lymph fluid out of the breast. This video shows how to do it properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6jgDk4apog It is a bare breast and some people may be uncomfortable with viewing it and it isn’t appropriate for children. Our society is so messed up in what is acceptable and what isn’t. There is nothing sexual or explicit in doing this—it is for health. Since a great deal of the breast includes lymphatic fluid moving congestion is of utmost importance.
Speaking of fluid—drinking purified water to make sure the lymph has enough to bathe cells is also an important health benefit. Too many women drink soda, coffee, tea and other beverages and therefore they don’t drink purified water. The formula for water should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
Concentrate on doing healthy things for your breasts: relax and rest; exercise and massage; eating and drinking healthy and above all know that what you concentrate on matters. Think beautiful thoughts and find 5 things to be grateful for every day! And if you want to be like me, boycott pink in October.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me: DrMary@BornForHealth.com, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #636 Hashtags
Good Morning!
Are you into social media? Using #before a word or phrase is gaining popularity. It is a coding that has been used for quite some time but social media has escalated its use. Hashtags provide a means of grouping messages, since one can search for the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it. It is used for sports media and is a way of locating what is being said about a certain player or team. It has also been used to sort pictures.
This type of tagging system would be helpful for those who are interested in learning about health instead of sickness. Most people who have a diagnosis can find all kinds of information about the condition. Some of it is valuable and some of it is manufactured so that there is commercial gain. A drug company can set up a website, for example and promote a drug minimizing the health risks and even pay authority figures such as doctors to comment on the “value” of taking the medicine.
This makes it very confusing for the person who really doesn’t want to take drugs but would like to know how they could avoid or get rid of certain symptoms. Something else working against the knowledge of beneficial nutrients is the law (especially in Michigan). The licensing law reads: The practice of Medicine means the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure or relieving of a human disease, ailment, defect, complaint, or other physical or mental condition, by attendance, advice, device, diagnostic test, or other means, or offering, undertaking, attempting to do, or holding oneself out as able to do, any of these acts. So, the Medical Doctors in the state of Michigan are the only ones able to assist you with your conditions.
In any other profession this would deem a monopoly—how the MDs got away with it is beyond me. First of all, no person can claim the right to heal someone else. Healing takes place within the individual’s own body and it requires a group effort of body, mind and heart to accomplish. We must give the body the tools (nutrients) it needs; we must actively participate in the healing process and we must want the healing to occur!
Most websites concentrate on illness. I would like to start a trend that we don’t define symptoms as a means to get to a diagnosis but that these symptoms are a signal of imbalances that need to be corrected. Leave the diagnosis to the MDs and lets start a trend of correcting imbalances. Let’s create “hashtags for health”.
There is even now a hashtag for health. But, I would like to expand on this. I would like people to see another side of the picture; one that doesn’t look at symptoms as a condition but an imbalance. To have the vision of health that helps us to put clues or symptoms together. Then once we discover the imbalances they can be reversed to true health again.
#Energy would be a great one to get started on. Energy doesn’t come from energy drinks. These simply stimulate the adrenals to kick in hormones that rev up the body. True energy doesn’t rise quickly and then plummet so you need another “hit”. Healthy energy #EnergyFTHOI) or, Energy for the health of it; would sustain you through hours of work and leave you feeling accomplished, not exhausted. All you social media buffs—spread the word #EnergyFTHOI is possible!
What is the source of the body’s energy supply? First we need to look at why there is lack. Are you eating foods that have dense nutrient value? Are you perhaps toxic and need to get rid of what is weighting you down? Do you need to deal with an emotional concern such as disappointment or fear? Do you feel you have to control everything in your life? Find out what is using up your energy. Let’s get some social media flow going on healthy answers for sustained personal energy!
http://www.hashtags.org/definition/energyfthoi/ Tweet; Like or Post a comment!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me: DrMary@BornForHealth.com, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #635 Unbelievable
Good Morning!
Information overload! You can find something on anything these days with search engines. It truly is amazing. It’s like having an encyclopedia at your fingertips. Better in some ways because you have the ability for hearing how to pronounce words and you can interpret into and from different languages. But, as far as looking up health issues…who do you believe?
Drug manufacturers will spin test results to make medications look as if they can cure anything. Recently there was a YouTube video about “Superfluous”. This is an imaginary drug that stops nose itching. It is quite entertaining in a disgusting way. The message is that some drugs have terrible side effects that are overlooked because we want to rid ourselves of symptoms that, in most cases, are the result of lifestyle choices. We eat food that isn’t healthy; we are too sedentary; we involve ourselves in negative thinking and we don’t look at what we do have and can be grateful for enough.
The real truth is: there isn’t a drug available that can cure conditions. They only mediate symptoms. The body can reverse and cure itself but in general, it needs the right tools to do that. Natural or, Holistic (Alternative), Health professionals believe that conditions in the body are a result of imbalances. If you can figure out where the imbalance is, then you can figure out how to correct it.
Use the internet to understand how the body works. Take classes on how to be healthier. Read the fine print on the medications you are taking and often it will state that a side effect is the very symptom you’re trying to eliminate. Many medical doctors are trying to think more holistically. Unfortunately, the American Medical Association is in partnership with the drug manufacturers and the FDA—they frown upon Medical Doctors who try to think holistically. I have had clients tell me that their doctor lost hospital privileges and had been threatened by the AMA that they will shut down their practice if they continue to recommend natural remedies.
Most holistically thinking doctors don’t also have a medical practice because they have to choose. They feel they can provide more good if they quit practicing medicine and lecture about health. Nature’s Sunshine has brought many holistically minded medical doctors to lecture for us. Dr. Rallie McAllister and Dr. Hugo Rodier, to name a couple. This coming March we will hear at our National Convention in Cincinnati from Dr. Mark Hyman. I’m looking forward to hearing his views on “Functional Medicine”. This is how he has coined alternative medicine because he feels it shouldn’t be an alternative but the first choice of medicine.
There are some very good resources for you to consider but don’t just take one person’s opinion. Check out several sources and make sure they aren’t quoting each other’s research. Many times people will come to me with some “off the wall” technique and I will research it and see if it makes sense. You can do the same thing. Use the internet—not as gospel but as an information resource. Then take that information and get in touch with how it feels. Does it make sense? Are you comfortable with the facts and does it work for you? What have others’ experienced? What does your “gut” tell you?
The use of herbal remedies has been around for hundreds of years (in Chinese and other old world techniques; thousands of years!)—when was the drug you are taking manufactured? How much human use has it had and what are the findings in the field? Drugs push the body in a certain direction; Herbs work with the body to create balance. Find someone knowledgeable in natural medicine and then ask for resources you can check out.
Being healthy takes work. It isn’t easy like taking a pill. It isn’t for everyone. But, my thoughts are: I would rather do the work: eat right as often as I can; take the supplements I know I need because it isn’t all about food; drink a healthy amount of water; think good thoughts; get good sleep and “move it” as much as I can. I would rather keep health on my mind than to constantly be in pain and concerned about disease. I live by the rule: Do 80% healthy so that your body can deal with the 20% unhealthy. Nobody is doing 100% healthy. If they say they are than I feel they are being fanatical and will binge the other way. I’ve seen it too many times.
Check out the drug commercials. There is an old saying, “Don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see”. Tap into your intuition and get in touch with the knowing part of you. That is what you can believe! When you develop that part of you, you will be able to trust in your choices. In the words of Zig Ziglar: “You have to be before you can do, and do before you can have.” Focus on your health and not your disease. How can you improve your lifestyle choices to be healthier? Take some small steps toward healthier choices. Believe in yourself!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me: DrMary@BornForHealth.com, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #634 Breathless!
Good Morning!
Did you ever have anything that took your breath away? Being at the top of a roller coaster and that first moment of decent does it for me. There’s something about the velocity of wind hitting my face and the impulse to scream. My family loves coasters. As I get older (70) I have decided not to chance the extreme coasters. I’m grateful for the breath I can take in and can enjoy from afar the exhilaration of that up and down and round and round a coaster does. I still look forward to The Beast, The Blue Streak and a few other favorites but not the “steepest, tallest, fastest” etc. I’ll leave those to the younger hearts to excite.
It is difficult to let air out when you didn’t drag any in. Trying to catch your breath after swallowing the wrong way is a scary thing. You need to concentrate on breathing and try to calm the coughing response. Yes, if food is lodged you need to expel it. But, sometimes the reflex keeps on and breathing is more of a concern. The expression “blue in the face” comes from a lack of oxygen in the head. Holding your breath for a while will produce this and so will our emotions when we don’t speak out and defend ourselves against what we feel is wrong and not heard if we do.
You might have other situations that have left you breathless for a moment or have struggled with breathing for years because of health concerns. We can go without food for a long time; water for a while but air; only minutes before our brain is deprived of needed oxygen and damage begins. The head is one of the first areas that will be distressed if there isn’t enough oxygen and the brain goes through hypoxia. Compared with other types of cells, brain cells are especially sensitive to hypoxia, and they quickly begin to die when they are deprived of oxygen. Cerebral hypoxia can impair brain function, damage brain cells and lead to death.
If the cells in the frontal lobe area of the brain are oxygen deficient one might expect personality disorders to occur; other areas might affect motor skills, cognitive and or reasoning to be less than before the lack of oxygen occurred. Loved ones of stroke victims will express “they are a different person”.
One might faint as a result of a lack of oxygen so that the brain is damaged less. People who are told bad news are often asked to sit first so that they don’t faint while standing. Shock is another reason for not being able to breathe properly. When going through an experience of extreme fear the heart will beat faster and the circulatory system is on full alert. Often the brain can’t get the oxygen it needs so we faint to shut off the moment. It’s almost like when your computer does something wacky and you need to shut it down and reboot it.
Bringing oxygen into the lungs so that the blood can delivery it for consumption by the periphery of the body which includes the brain is vital to body function. Energy production depends on a good and steady supply of oxygen to generate the oxidation/reduction cycle that occurs in the mitochondria of each cell and therefore all tissues of the body.
People with breathing concerns often complain of a lack of energy. Boosting the body with energy drinks can actually cause great harm. What one needs to do is supply the body with more oxygen. Your red blood cells must carry sufficient oxygen through your arteries to all of your internal organs to keep you alive. Normally, when red blood cells pass through the lungs, 95%-100% of them are loaded, or "saturated," with oxygen to carry. If you have lung disease or other types of medical conditions, fewer of your red blood cells may be carrying their usual load of oxygen, and your oxygen saturation might be lower than 95%. Your blood oxygen level can be measured in two ways. For more information: http://www.health.harvard.edu/diagnostic-tests/oxygen-saturation-test.htm
Chlorophyll causes hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells, to develop a voracious appetite for oxygen. When blood travels through the lungs, the chlorophyll-activated hemoglobin acts as a powerful magnet for the oxygen you inhale with each breath. As oxygen-rich blood travels through the tiny blood vessels in your tissues, hemoglobin loosens its grip on oxygen and surrenders it where it’s required. The result is that every cell in your body is finally saturated with the oxygen it needs, and your energy increases. - See more at: http://www.marlenesmarket-deli.com/?page_id=9507#sthash.PwtTTwpE.dpuf
This month we are focusing on breathing concerns and what we can do about them. Posture can have a huge effect on our ability to take in a good deep breath. Most people breathe only from the top part of their lungs and never learn how to completely fill the lungs. This limited supply of oxygen is quickly depleted and therefore we have to breathe in again quicker than if we took slow deep breaths. This quick breath contributes to anxiety. Slow deep breaths aid in calming the body.
Take a moment now and sit up straight—throw your shoulders back and concentrate on breathing from below your rib cage. Count to 4 as you fill your lungs and then hold it to a count of 4; exhale at a count of 4 and hold it for a count of 4. This “square” breathing technique is beneficial in getting a good amount of oxygen into the lungs—allowing the lungs to expel toxins and strengthening the lungs in between breaths.
Hopefully this technique will help you remain calm when you are frightened by some concern. Observing our breathing helps us to identify and take control when our brain wants to cycle about events that make us anxious. You might find that you are breathing shallow and do the square breathing technique. Often this stops the cycling thoughts and reason can take hold.
As an aside: today is my son Michael’s birthday and his business is called Born Illustration and his tag is, “Breathing Life into Your Designs” visit him: http://www.bornillustration.com/Home.html
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #633 Let Me Think!
Good Morning!
Do you need quiet to think? Or, do you do better with your favorite music playing? What enhances your ability to think? I need quiet to concentrate but I also recognize that other people need to have background noise so they can think better. I can’t read a book while the television or radio is going if I want to follow the story line or absorb the material. I find that I am doing either one or the other and usually it ends up being the television or radio.
I find I’m quite good at multi-tasking but I need to be able to concentrate on what steps are necessary next to accomplish the varied deeds. The old saying about chewing gum and walking at the same time is pretty lame but we were all tested at Convention this last time by “Big Al”. We were asked to make a circle with our right foot going in a clockwise manner, then at the same time take our right hand and do a counter-clockwise motion—it totally is impossible; try it!
Nutrition is said to be very important for a healthy mental state. Many people who have been observed as being “slow” thinkers are simply brain starved. In Dr. Daniel Amen’s book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, poor nutrition was sited in each of these conditions: poor intimate relations, appetite control, violence, obsessiveness, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, bi-polor, and many mood disorders. An ability to think clearly and express oneself is essential in healthy relationships. I can’t think for you. And often when I assume I know what you’re thinking—it is wrong.
The most important nutrient after oxygen and water is fat. The “fat free diets” that were purported as being heart healthy have destroyed brain cells! The brain needs fat. It also needs protein for some of the areas such as “The Deep Limbic” system. Healthy fats include Omega 3 and too much protein (animal) can restrict the amount of good proteins that can cross the blood-brain barrier. Good sources of healthy fats and protein are in beans, nuts, grass fed chicken eggs, ocean fish, and some cheeses. What is needed in good amounts is serotonin and the precursor for that is L-tryptophan (a naturally occurring amino acid found in the above proteins). The brain converts tryptophan into 5htp when it crosses the blood brain barrier and then makes serotonin from it. http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=2806-4
Serotonin is your “feel good” hormone. It converts to melatonin when darkness occurs. Melatonin makes you “mellow” and sleepy or content. These two hormones need to balance so that you get the proper amount of high and the right amount of low. Serotonin helps you feel energized and melatonin helps you relax. In drug language it would be uppers and downers. Falsely affecting these hormones can lead to dependency and imbalance. Most medications will create imbalances in an effort to try to “outthink” the body.
Water is also important. People often think that even if they don't actually drink water, they are getting enough by drinking coffee, tea, soft drinks, juice or beer. The truth is that many of these beverages have a diuretic effect, encouraging the body to excrete water through urination, rather than retaining it. Think about a grape versus a raisin. Your brain could be a raisin—shrinking away while you drink your sodas and energy drinks. Water, in the purest state you can find it, is necessary for healthy brains.
Keeping the brain safe from injury and chemicals will help it function better and having a good supply of oxygen is, of course, essential. I cannot believe that people who ride bikes and motorcycles go without helmets when it is proven that it saves brains. Even when wearing a helmet the brain can be jarred and damaged but at least you’re doing something. Dr. Amen says for us to think of the brain as custard and the skull is its protection. When banged the skull may be damaged but the “custard” is shaken and cells are damaged. He advises wearing a helmet for skateboarding, biking, snowmobiling and motorcycling. He also says the worst of all sports is soccer—head butting the ball.
Out of the many things that Dr. Amen says not to do is, “isolate a baby”. Being deprived of affection is above using tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs (which are adamant no-no’s). We are social human beings. We draw comfort from one another. According to recent research, Social isolation in youth may wreak havoc on the brain by disrupting a protein crucial to the development of the nervous system's support cells. Love and attention are absolutely necessary for proper brain development.
Our environment can also mean our relationships. Being in a loving relationship with someone who understands our needs and in whom we can feel supported is essential to a healthy thinking brain. Dr. Amen says that even if our relationships are not the best what is even more important is our thinking. He says we need to get rid of ANTS (automated negative thinking) as they are at the root of illness.
Sometimes we can’t choose our environment—it is our work. Sometimes we don’t realize the environment is toxic until damage is done. How does one detoxify from this and how can we “build a better brain”? It isn’t about what influences your ability to think properly, but the fact that everything does! So, the more you can do to protect it and give it what it needs, the better your brain will be.
Think good thoughts. Have an attitude of gratitude. Eat as healthy as you can—eliminate or deter sugar and starch. Drink half you weight in ounces of water each day. Take lots of deep breaths—enjoy the sunshine whenever you can. Give someone a hug—they generally hug back. Take a walk and clear your mind. Take the emotional healing quiz and assist yourself with healthy remedies: http://bornforhealth.com/clientinfoaboutmehome/home.html
The school year will begin shortly for many teachers and children. The ability to think clearly will depend on a great variety of circumstances. Help your child (and you) with healthy supplements. Do what you can to “Let Me Think” clearly and effectively so better decisions and choices can be made. Maybe you need to clear out the junk before you can start to build a better brain.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
his information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #632 Holy Water
In 2005 Masaru Emoto erupted our thinking of water as being just water. In his book, Hidden Messages in Water, he states: “All you must do is make a simple choice!”
He suggests that we can choose health, love, and gratitude while holding a glass of water and change its energy into a healing life force. We can also ignore the water and it can become distasteful and unhealthy.
If you’ve never read this little book I suggest you do. It explains how powerful our thoughts and words are. Every day –every hour—every minute, we can choose to be healthy, happy and successful. We can see beauty or we can go on complaining about our life and relationships. The person you are upset with isn’t feeling those negative vibrations you’re sending out—you are! We have to catch ourselves at being negative and change our thinking.
The problem is we let negativity in every time we hear a newscast, argue about politics or religion, think badly about someone else, eat poorly, drink too much, or abuse ourselves in all the possible ways there are. Basically when we go against our knowing what is right—we initiate the “sick” energy that must be compensated by the “good” energy. Emoto tells us this is possible through our minds and water.
There are people who have built machines that create a vortex in water—first spinning one way and then the next. Others have added to that concept by adding light energy and sound to the water. There are expensive machines out there but I feel that by using the homeopathic philosophy of rotating and tapping –you can accomplish a very healing energy in the water you drink.
Rotating can be accomplished by pouring the water into a glass container (can even be a glass you will then drink from). Take a glass stirring stick or rod (costs about .70) and begin to stir in a clockwise manner creating the vortex spin –between 30-60 seconds; lift out the stirring stick. When the vortex is still, put the glass rod back into the water and repeat only going in a counter clockwise manner. When the vortex is still again place your hands around the glass and envision healing, health, gratitude and joy. Now, enjoy your water!
How do you let negative influences in? Do you listen to the news before going to bed, or first thing in the morning? Starting your day with the negative the media portrays can make for a miserable day. Can you imagine beauty? Love and gratitude need to be nurtured and expanded upon. Since our body is mostly made up of water and can either support disease or health we must constantly feel the beauty within and be grateful. This is where healing will begin. Some people think that alkaline water is the right water for them—if they think it and believe it will help; it will. It really isn’t the water but the energy that exudes from the person’s cells that makes it so.
There is much to be said for the placebo effect. Our thoughts are powerful and sometimes we fall into the trap of doubt and fear. We can take water from the most pristine of glaciers and destroy its beauty by negative thoughts. Or, we can take purified water and add our energy to it to create incredible healing. Bless your water (and your food) –let it be what your body needs to encourage healing. One of the more interesting pictures is the before and after picture of a water crystal that was prayed over.
The science of energy is just beginning to be quantified. There is much to be learned about vibrational medicine—it is the wave of the future. Perhaps Holy Water will be the prescribed medicine of the future.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #631 Happy Birthday
Good Morning!
Birthdays are celebrated by most as a marker for stages of life. I recently celebrated my 70th birthday along with more than 20 of my classmates. In the book: The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully, the author Joan Chittister talks about three stages of growing older. I’m in the first stage where the Young Old still are active and doing things they enjoy. We still have vitality and ability.
Reflection is a big part of growing older. We think back on what has happened in our life and we see the connection. What we might of thought of as a disappointment or bad thing—we see how it changed us in some way for the good. We begin understanding life; we see more of the, ah-hah, moments. We see that if this didn’t happen we wouldn’t have experienced such and such.
We view success sometimes as winning. When someone wins, another loses. Win-win is difficult to achieve. In games there can only be one winner—one Stanley Cup, one Super Bowl or one World Pennant holder. A “title holder” is simply waiting until the next team or person beats them, or replaces them. I’m not saying this is bad, I’m saying it should not be the driving force because we set ourselves up for disappointment if it is the only thing in our life we want to achieve.
Success is not about competition. It is about the feeling one gets when we have accomplished something we’ve been striving for. We can have success throughout the day. Success can happen at any age. As a child: learning to talk; taking that first step; learning to read and write (or I should say print); even losing a tooth! As painful as it is to lose a tooth, there is a reward in it.
For some people success may mean getting up and washing one’s face in preparation of what the day will offer. For another it may mean running a marathon. What are you planning to achieve today? Yesterday I weeded a small area and cut back the peonies that were done and looking sad—today I look out and watch the flowers enjoy the rain. I can appreciate their beauty and know that I helped them get more nutrients from the soil and absorb more rainfall.
Is this something someone will write a book about? No! But, it doesn’t diminish the feeling I have of accomplishment. Too often people focus on what they have not done. There is always something yet to be done. Taking time to enjoy your accomplishments boosts your self-esteem. Don’t wait for someone else to recognize your deeds—it happens too rarely. YOU need to see the good in what you’ve done.
Striking things off your “To Do” list may feel like success for you and for someone else, lying in a hammock for 15 minutes is a success. Getting in touch with the feeling of accomplishment is the most important experience. Don’t let the “judgment” of others steer your feelings of success. Success accomplished, improves our sense of self-worth. Get in touch with what you want and make some steps toward it—even moving toward your goal is a success.
Catch yourself when you are thinking negatively and correct the thought. Dr. Amen talks about: Replacing old habits with new ones and interrupting your "automatic negative thoughts" (referred to as ANTs). First you need to become aware of what you are thinking and saying. Complaining is generally negative—absolutely no good can be accomplished by complaining. You get sucked into the black hole of despair when you concentrate on what a crappy life you have. Nobody has a crappy life all the time!
Start finding and focusing on what is going right in your life and more right things will happen. Make a journal of 5 things that made you feel good today. The next day—5 more; they cannot be the same as what you’ve already written. Pretty soon you are seeing more right things happening and you’ve forgotten that your life is crap. You realize your life is good—because you are making it so.
Stop playing the “Aint it awful!” game. Misery needs company. Be the driving force in your relationship to find the good. Do something unexpectedly nice. Correct a wrong. Pick up that trash and dispense it properly. Open a door for someone. Let another driver in ahead of you. Smile at everyone. It may feel foreign at first, but do it anyway. Tell me of your experience. Happy Birthday—this is the beginning of a new you.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #630 Going with the Flow
Good Morning!
How often do you cross your legs? How long do you sit on your legs? When you’re young you think nothing of tucking a leg under your bottom and sitting on it. When the lack of circulation causes the foot to tingle and go numb, we simply shake it and walk on it to revive the flow. The unfortunate thing is that the small capillaries and valves get injured in the process. Once in this habit of sitting on our legs, or crossing them at the knee, it is difficult to break.
I can remember when I was in 9th grade and I sat on my knee so I could turn and face the teacher better. One day I actually felt something go “Snap”, and when I stood up I had broken a blood vessel. I’ve had that purple blotch on the back of my knee ever since. So, even at that young age I had fragile veins. My mother had varicose veins and you do inherit those types of tendencies. I sure advanced my poor circulation by choosing to sit on my legs and to continually sit with crossed legs.
Luckily my chosen profession wasn’t one of having to stand or sit for long periods of time. This inactivity contributes to poor circulation. Walking helps to pump the lymph and so does deep breathing. The heart pumps the blood but the muscles pump the lymph. Every aspect of health is determined by a well-functioning circulatory system delivering nutrients and helping the body eliminate toxins.
Blood circulation can determine whether one is vital or not. If your blood cannot deliver the goods, cells die. Blood supplies all our tissues with life-giving oxygen and nutrients by way of the arteries and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the tissues via the veins.
You might think of the lymph as the back alley where you put your garbage pails and magically someone comes along and empties them. Lymph dumps into the lymph nodes for processing. Lymph fluid flows throughout the body collecting toxins and carrying them to lymph nodes located in special areas such as the arm pits, groin and neck. You can sometimes feel when they are swollen. This means they are working hard to prevent infection. They will increase production of white blood cells that fight infection and this is the swelling we feel.
Unlike blood, which flows throughout the body in a continuous loop, lymph flows in only one direction — upward toward the neck — within its own system. It flows into the venous blood stream through the subclavien veins, which are located on either sides of the neck near the collarbones. I like to picture Tarzan and his curled fist striking the upper part of his chest just before he’d bellow. This exercise of striking the chest just below the collar bone can initiate lymph flow. Taking deep breaths will help move congested lymph.
There are two drainage areas that make up the lymphatic system. The right drainage area handles the right arm and chest. The left drainage area clears all of the other areas of the body, including the legs, the lower trunk, the upper left portion of the chest, and the left arm. So, by striking both sides simultaneously, you can in a brief moment help your body move toxins out of the system.
When the lymphatic system is congested many diseases can form. So, it is important to keep this system moving. Another way to help is by drinking water. Lymphaticus which is a Latin term meaning connected to water and is where the name for the lymph system comes from. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of pure water daily will help keep this system flowing.
The lymphatic system dumps toxins into the urinary system for elimination from the body. When there aren’t enough enzymes in the lymph to digest bacteria and other microbes the lymph can become congested. You might notice this in a thickened saliva or sinus congestion. You can assist the body’s ability to produce metabolic enzymes by taking digestive enzymes with meals. (I like both Food Enzymes and Proactazyme Plus).
Adding chlorophyll to your water will also improve the lymph fluid. Prevention is key to good health. Supporting your body with enzymes, chlorophyll water and taking Silver Shield will help your lymphatic system fight invaders that will harm cells and tissues. In this case an ounce of prevention is surely worth not having to deal with a pound of cure. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system. Just because they swell and become painful is not a reason (anymore) to simply remove them.
There are many ways to support the lymphatic system and massage is another very beneficial method of moving stuck lymph. Congested lymph harbors disease. Don’t be sedentary—get up and move it! Drink your water. Take deep breaths. You can prevent congestive conditions that lead to clots, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.
Poor circulation in the legs can lead to ulcerations, swelling, heaviness, itching, irritation, being prone to infection and more. Stripping those veins leaves you without proper flow and is only a temporary fix. Create better circulation so that blood can flow like it should.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #629 Bite Me
Good Morning!
Are you the one mosquitoes are drawn to? Some people more than others seem to attract mosquito and other biting bugs. Perhaps there is a simple answer for that.
There is a relationship between a lack of B vitamins and the emitting of CO2 that attract mosquitoes to you. If you aren’t taking a daily supplement that includes a natural form of B vitamins, you might want to. It is the simplest way of not being a mosquito magnet.
You could try NSPs liquid B12. It is easily absorbed as it is taken under the tongue and mixes with the saliva to tell the brain it is there. Just as signals go from the tongue to the brain to determine taste, so does the saliva carry messages to the brain to set up chain reactions allowing digestion, immune and nervous systems to gear up for what is entering the body.
It is important to give the body a banquet of B vitamins as we don’t know which one we may be lacking in. If you taking a multi vitamin that has B in it that is often good enough. But, if you are stressed, you might want to try something like Nutri Calm. This is a recipe that is designed to support nervous system health. It has herbs in it along with B vitamins that help the nerves deal with stress and anxiety. Usually a person would take one tablet with each meal. Your urine will be yellow. I disagree with doctors who say your urine should be clear.
I know I feel better when I’m taking enough B vitamins for my urine to be yellow. If I’m tiring too quickly or more achy than my work load deems, I’ll take B 12 under the tongue and my whole food B vitamin supplement at mealtime. The best time to take B12 is away from meals. It is a pleasant tasting liquid that is easy to take. I have it right next to my Probiotics which I take first thing in the morning.
Perspiration is one of the ways the body detoxifies. If you aren’t having proper elimination and drinking enough water…this too can have an effect on mosquitoes being attracted to you. Your perspiration might be full of those things that attract mosquitoes. In general, the female bites to draw blood to nourish her eggs. They are attracted to water and lay their eggs in still water.
Using products that include Deet have been shown to be cancer causing; do you really want your skin to absorb these chemicals that could endanger your health? Especially when there are some natural solutions! Natural remedies that are truly effective include such things as Neem oil (similar to Tea Tree); Rosemary; Lemon Grass; even Cinnamon Leaf is showing good promise in fighting off bugs.
Make an essential oil spritzer: a small spray bottle (2-3 ounces) filled with purified water (leave enough head space to add a teaspoon of liquid). I like to add a small amount of NSP’s Nature’s Fresh Enzyme spray as it helps to keep the essential oils emulsified. To this add: 2 drops Rosemary oil; 2 drops Lemon; 2 drops Lavender oil and 2 drops Peppermint. Before you go out spray yourself liberally (be sure to close your eyes). Check out other recipes for bug sprays and make some up for friends.
Once a month Kathy Peltier, at the Purple Iris in Berkley gives an Aromatherapy basic class. Check out her calendar and take a class. http://kathypeltier.massagetherapy.com/2013_july_purple_iris_event_calendar.pdf
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
f you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #628 Wilted
Good Morning!
Do you love this heat? I, for one, am not comfortable in temperatures over 80. I know that some people don’t consider that hot, but I do. My brain even slows down. I can remember when we didn’t have air conditioning—and I felt wilted most of the summer.
The other day I made Dilly Beans. These are like dill pickles only made with green beans (I use yellow ones too). The canner was heating up; my jars were in the dishwasher and I had a small pan with boiling water on the stove for the lids and I couldn’t help but thank God for air conditioning! I can’t imagine what women did 100 years ago.
They preserved everything. They used a wood stove and wore layers upon layers of clothing. But, they knew that their survival depended on them “putting food up” for the winter or they might starve.
I enjoy canning tomatoes and using them in sauces or just heating up as a nice warm dish in the winter. Our Dilly Beans are the talk of the neighborhood as my husband shares them with friends when they all gather at the sandbar during the summer. I’m not fond of sitting around (or standing around) for that matter—I’d much rather be gardening or “doing” something. On the day they all gather to play Euchre I join in. It’s my one time a year to catch up on the neighborhood gossip.
I try to get my outside work done very early. Unfortunately that also is when the mosquitos are very active. I deter them with Lemon Geranium but occasionally my perspiration is washing that off and then I’m wiping off the sweat so a few mosquitos bite me in spite of my efforts of swatting. It’s really quite amusing I’m sure for on lookers. Here I am with my dirty gloves smacking dirt all over me.
When I am done with my shower I will dab on Tei Fu oil. This “Ancient Chinese Secret” stops the itching immediately. It smells kind of menthol but doesn’t last long. I find it refreshing. It is a recipe that a Taiwan doctor brought to the US. His family had created the recipe and passed it down from generation to generation. It had been used for all manner of conditions and purported to be very successful in relieving such ailments as: Arthritis and Headache pain; muscle aches; sinus congestion and poor circulation; coughs and colds; itching—poison ivy or oak; Sprains; congestion and stagnation of all sorts.
Tei Fu Essential oil comes in a handy little bottle or in a tube as a cream. I like both and use both forms for different things. When my back was hurting, I’d dab some of the cream on it and it would immediately calm it down. It is very interesting as it seems to warm and cool and then repeat the cycle. I have found that if I put the cream on the back of my neck at the hairline—it helps me keep cool. I love Tei Fu both in the oil and cream form. It is a great little first aid kit. Bring a bottle with you when you go out into the woods, or camping, and dab away those bites.
Since the recipe was from a Chinese doctor, the camphor in it is more than likely from the Cinnamomum camphora tree, which is an evergreen know to Asia that grows quite tall. When the leaves are crushed you can smell camphor. The tree was introduced to the United States and can be found in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas and South Carolina. It is sometimes confused with Eucalyptus but they are different trees. The essential oil from the Madagascar trees is commercially known as Ravintsara and is especially prized for its healing benefits.
Camphor can also be synthetically produced through distillation of turpentine. The use of this product is not recommended! I only use Nature’s Sunshine products because I know how strictly they test for each ingredient to make sure the right amount and quality is present. Many creams you buy in the drug store and even health food store may be made with synthetic—they may not even label it as such. Turpentine can be made from all manner of trees and can include dirt and other microbes. It is generally very cheap (about .50 per gallon) so the profit for manufacturers is great. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have the healing benefits our Tei Fu oil has.
One of the other ingredients is Menthol which is generally made from the mint family but it too can be synthetically produced. These creams and oils that are made with synthetic products are not what I recommend. I am very cautious about what I put on my skin as the skin is a conductor as well as detoxifier. It can draw in either good or bad depending on what you put on it. When someone is very sick, I’ll have them soak their feet in water with minerals in it and they will absorb the minerals. So, be careful what you put on your skin. Make sure it is pure and not synthetic.
I grow mint and my granddaughters love to munch on it. It is very refreshing. You can dry the leaves and have mint tea throughout the year or just put it in your water. Mint is healthy and refreshing.
One of the other things I talked about as a first aid in our Saturday class was Comfrey. This plant is very beneficial. It is high in Calcium and so you can dry it along with the mint and make a great tea that can help heal bones as well as relieve achy muscles or cramping. Comfrey made into a compress has helped me in many ways. Bites and stings are eased when you take a frozen compress of comfrey and lay it on the sting. It will draw out the toxins as well as help reduce inflammation.
Remember what I said about applying things to the skin and how minerals can be absorbed right into the blood stream. Using comfrey as a compress will put that calcium right where it needs to be. I used it years ago when I sprained my ankle and I know it was a huge factor in my healing so fast.
During the Herb Walk on Ladies Day each year, I talk about and show around 25 different herbs that I grow. Some of them you might call weeds. These plants have wonderful healing benefits that have been tested and used safely for thousands of years. Learning about these gifts from God has truly been a blessing to me and my family. I’m grateful for them even when I’m wilted from tending them.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #627 Interdependence
Good Morning!
Independence means to separate from something as we did when we as Americans signed the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. We wanted self-rule. As teens become adults, they too want self-rule. Along with this independence comes responsibility. One must be able to take care of oneself if they want to govern themselves. Some adults never learned how to take care of the needs we have as humans.
Taking care of one’s needs are making sure you have a roof over your head, food to eat and a place to care for basic sanitation needs. It means fulfilling a responsible role in society and not becoming a burden on them. It means behaving in a manner that does not threaten the well-being of others. Even though we are independent, we also need others. Humans were designed to be social. We need feedback from others; communication with others.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs says that the very basic human needs include: Air, water, and food, which are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from the elements. While maintaining an adequate birth rate shapes the intensity of the human sexual instinct, sexual competition may also shape said instinct—who becomes “leader of the pack”. Animals who live in a pack must have a leader who defines the rules and creates order.
The next level up involves safety. These include: personal security (a place to live where one can feel safe and to unwind). Financial security: to be able to pay for our needs and to have money for relaxation and entertainment along with basic needs. We also need to have health and well-being. If we aren’t able to have health we cannot work or play. Many people ignore this next to basic need until they are unhealthy.
Along with safety needs we include security in knowing that there are people we can go to for help when we don’t have the capacity to do something for ourselves. Doctors are among those people in this category. Lawyers who fight for our rights and freedoms along with those people who take away the garbage, plow the streets so we can drive, deliver mail etc.
The next level up in the Hierarchy of Human Needs is Love and Belonging. As humans we need to be loved and to love. The expression of this is often warped. We confuse sex with love. Love is the genuine affection for someone you deeply care about. It isn’t given because it is expected. It is earned. When a mother loves a baby there is a chemical bond that occurs. This bond can be broken when that baby, or mother, misuses the affection of the other.
This level of need goes beyond self and yet without it we are deficient. This level is like a boomerang. What we give out comes back to us in greater intensity. One cannot be wondering if they have received as much as they give out. This is all about giving. If you have good personal boundaries, you will not give to those who take advantage of you. This level of need involves intuition and feelings much more than thinking. Often when one thinks about doubt and gets caught up in wondering if they are receiving enough, it is because they have forgotten the first Universal Law of Harmony. To think discourse is to create it.
The rest of Maslow’s theory of Human Needs can be found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs I find it very interesting and I see that we float from and in between these needs as our day proceeds. We need to pay attention to eating, sleeping, sanitation and we need to communicate and share as we also need to know there are people out there that depend on us and who care about us.
Interdependence means being able to take care of one’s own needs and to see the big picture on how a person’s actions and even thoughts can affect those around them. A pebble does not plunk into water and not make some kind of waves. Interdependence theory comes from the idea that closeness is the key to all relationships; that people communicate to become closer to one another. This theory states that there are rewards and costs to any relationship.
Years ago when we were raising our two sons, I worked with my husband, was a wife, mother and home maker. It was a balancing act. My husband had his duties as a provider and father. It wasn’t until they were grown and the world looked at these his/her duties that we realized how unbalanced that whole thing was. My husband shares many of the household duties now and we have time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Years ago I was too tired to do anything. (you can imagine) This was hard on our relationship. Society dictated that I did the laundry, cook meals, keep the house clean etc.
It is much more balanced now. My two sons help with child care and their wives benefit by them cooking and doing some basic chores that isn’t about being a female or male. It is what needs to be done for a clean and healthy environment. It is also about sharing responsibility. And above all it is about working together and having time to play together to strengthen the relationship bond.
When someone is hurting physically or emotionally, those around them also suffer to some extent. If you care about the people around you, it is human nature to want to help them. When we have helped someone feel better, we feel better. It also relieves the tension in the relationship. Pain creates tension. Pain also can cause someone to be grumpy or depressed.
The classes I teach once a month discuss natural methods or solutions to problems we come across on a daily or weekly basis. We should learn what our choices are. There are many people who I see that are on so many medications that half of the prescriptions are to solve problems the other half creates. Natural solutions do not create counter problems. There isn’t a huge list in fine print to tell you the many side effects known about this pill.
Herbs and whole food supplements are those things found in nature and help us to attain balance. Medications are synthetic chemicals that try to control symptoms. They do not cure anything. Only the body can cure something---and it does so when it is balanced. The body is the best design of interdependence. The heart does its thing but also knows that it cannot exist by itself. We are not just a brain, heart, lungs etc. we are a whole being that should be treated as such. Learn how to keep a healthy balance of interdependence.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #626 Chill out!
Good Morning!
Are you a doer? Creating the right balance of relaxation and doing is sometimes difficult. We often have tasks that we find have “no stopping point”. So, we end up pushing through the point where our body should rest. Our muscles tell us when we are straining too hard but we often don’t listen. This extra strain can be harmful especially when you get older and recovery time is longer.
I know I, at 70, must take breaks more often than I did at even 50. I also know that when you Add temperatures of over 75 this adds more stress to when working outside. Drinking lots of water is important: (half your body weight in ounces of water daily). You need to make up for the water you lose during exertion. The skin can dry out and wrinkle quicker if there isn’t an adequate amount of water and healthy fat to plump it up. So, if you don’t want to look like a prune—drink your water and take your Omega 3 EPA supplements.
Stress is the same thing as pushing through tasks. The hot weather, the emotional upsets that occur during stress can play a factor on how hard stressful situations are on our body. If we have a good supply of nutrients, our body can bounce back quicker. If we don’t, the body will take longer to come back to balance.
We often don’t choose what we are stressed about. It can be something or someone at work and we just have to push through it and get the job done. Sometimes it is financial and we just don’t see our way to solution. Sometimes the weather can be stressful as in the record highs we’ve seen in the news out west. Life happens!
I have found that most people are deficient in B vitamins. These are water soluble and need to be replenished especially during times of stress. A complex of B vitamins is important even and sometimes, especially when you are taking an individual B supplement like B12. I have a lot of clients who get B12 shots but don’t take a complex of B vitamins. B12 aids Folic Acid in regulating the formation of red blood cells and assists with the utilization of iron. If you are not using the iron in your blood it can build up and create problems. B12 prevents nerve damage, maintains fertility and aids in cell formation and longevity. NSP has a wonderful sublingual liquid B12 that tastes great.
Anti-gout, anticoagulant and potassium supplements may block the absorption of B12 from the digestive tract. Since the greater amount of this supplement is found in animal products, vegetarians must be mindful that supplementation may be necessary to maintain proper balance. Some B12 is found in nori, dulse, soy and herbs like alfalfa. A deficiency can create abnormal gait, enlarged liver, fatigue, dizziness and many other neurological concerns.
Folic Acid is in the complex of B vitamins and is considered a brain food but is also needed for energy production and proper formation of white blood cells, proper cell division and replication; involved in protein metabolism and neurological concerns. It is especially important to a growing fetus. Studies have shown that a daily intake of 400mcg taken during early pregnancy may prevent a vast majority of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. A woman should consider taking a whole food source of B vitamins at least 6 months prior to getting pregnant.
Vitamin B5, Pantothenic acid is actually considered the anti-stress vitamin according to Balch and Balch in Prescription for Nutritional Healing. This book is a great source if you want to find out what each individual B vitamin does and how they work in concert to provide the support your nervous system needs. If you are taking Super supplemental or Super Trio, your B needs are being met by taking two of these per day. Trying to get the B vitamins you need from just the food you eat is like playing Russian Roulette.
B vitamins are synergistic and often require teamwork to support proper balance. The B vitamins help to maintain the health of the eyes, skin, mouth, liver, muscles and nerves. Be sure to include the complex of B vitamins as part of your health’s team support. Since the B vitamins are water soluble and are washed away there is no concern for overdose. There is a tremendous concern for “under” dose. If your urine is bright yellow, then you are taking what your body needs and eliminating what it doesn’t. There is no such thing as expensive urine! It is better to feed your body the B vitamins it needs and let it decide what to discard—you simply cannot anticipate what your nervous system will need.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.