This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link --most are recorded and available at your convenience. Check the Educational tab for selections. Dr. Mary
"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear."
— Brian Tracy: is a self-help author and motivational speaker
Herbal eGram #592 A Good Steward
Good Morning!
You might think I’m referring to an airline attendant; however, stewardship is an old word that means responsibility. Taking responsibility for who we are, what we do and the actions we take is not something we generally learn in school. We may learn about consequences but how to make good choices is a deeper subject. We know that if we touch a hot stove we will get burned. How did you learn about that? Did you take the word of a parent, or did you actually experience the heat?
The first person we have to be responsible for is ourselves. When things go wrong we want to blame others for it instead of looking at how we might have made a different choice. It is easier to let others make decisions for us sometimes. That way we can say, “It’s your fault!” However, when we let others decide for us we don’t have control over what happens to us. When we don’t have control over our life we feel helpless and lack self-esteem.
When children are involved in seeing us not take control or accept responsibility we are teaching them to do anything but “get caught” or “get blamed”. This message underlies and erodes self esteem. First we must be true to ourselves. That takes knowing oneself. Do you know what makes you happy, fulfilled or even feel good? True joy comes from within. It simply doesn’t work by smiling all the time. Happiness is energy that comes from the center of our being and flows outward. The Chinese call this energy Chi or Qi.
People try to get energy by drinking stimulant drinks, doing activities that stimulate or taking chances. These activities simply divert energy—not create it. It is true that the adrenals can put out hormones that stimulate our energy response but it isn’t lasting energy. When we are happy and purposeful we can go for hours without having to re-stimulate. Think about a happy time in your life. Did you need to stop for a coffee break?
Taking responsibility for our self comes by making our own choices and taking control of our lives. When one is in the army (or any service position for that matter) you must do what your superior officer tells you to. Sometimes this goes against all you believe to be right and just. Doing what is ordered may save your life and yet how do you deal with the struggle in your soul? I feel that this is the major inner conflict those who return home after active duty struggle with—the coming to terms of the choices one had, or didn’t have and the actions one took under those orders.
Maybe you have a boss at work who expects you to act in an unethical manner and every time you do this act you lose a little bit of yourself. You still have a choice to make. You can stand up for what you believe is right and chance losing your position or, you can give control of yourself to your boss and blame him/her with the consequences. In a murder an accomplice receives the same punishment as the perpetrator. If it is within your power to stop the crime, you must do your best to do so without harm to yourself.
These ethical decisions are not easy. It isn’t easy being a parent and teaching what is right and what is wrong and to accept responsibility for one’s actions. The best thing is to think about the consequences before you act. I usually pray for guidance and get in touch with how I feel about the choices to be made. Once I’ve made the decision then I can say, “I did my best to do what is right”.
Healing one’s soul, or spirit, is not just about “time heals all wounds”; but about recognizing our human-ness. It is about forgiving ourselves and moving on while perhaps learning to make better choices. Forgiving oneself when we’ve made a mistake is a big part of healing. Before Jesus died on the cross, it is recorded that he stated, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” The soldiers were only following orders. I couldn’t possibly get into the mind of someone who has to do such a thing—it must be horrible.
I do know that many of my clients have had to learn to forgive some person who changed their life. Sometimes these changes created circumstances that we are later grateful for but at the time it was difficult to see how a horrid situation could come with some kind of “silver lining”. A person gets mugged and misses a flight only to find out later that flight crashed with no survivors. Fire consumes a home and the people lose everything. In time the house is rebuilt even better than it was before and they love it. Trust in the good and try to find your silver lining.
Flower essences may help. These liquids help to move stuck emotions so that we can go on. What trauma do you struggle with--Divorce; Loss of job or position; Loss of a loved one? Along with the flower essences there are Chinese balancing herbs that help move stuck energy. The Chinese have been working with stuck Chi for centuries. Sometimes the Chi is stuck in hyper mode and sometimes it is in deficient mode. Recently I took some classes in the emotions and Chi. The organs and systems of the body hold different emotions such as the Urinary system holds the energy of fear; The Liver—Anger/depression and the Lungs hold grief and sorrow. One can move this energy with nutrition and energy medicine like flower essences.
If you would like to know about flower essences and Chinese remedies and how they help; or would like to take a quiz send an email to me with your address and I’ll send you the quiz. Get in touch with what makes you feel happy on the inside. Learn a forgiveness technique and start looking for your purpose. Find something each day to be happy about. Take responsibility for you and then you can teach it to others.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 .
This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #591 Power Foods
Good Morning!
There are a huge number of people who think that by stimulating the body into action they are actually getting good energy. Case in point: people who use caffeine and energy drinks or supplements on a daily basis just to have the energy they need to get through their day. I know I love my coffee in the morning. I also know that coffee is dehydrating and I need to compensate by drinking two cups more of water for every cup of coffee I drink.
Stimulating the adrenal glands with caffeine is not the only problem. It actually interferes with the nutrients you are trying to get into the body for regeneration. Other sources include soft drinks, chocolate, cocoa and some energy drinks. Some supplements and medications, such as those that promote wakefulness, along with pain relievers for headaches, contain caffeine anhydrous, which is the dried, powdery form of caffeine. Dietary supplements sometimes use a natural ingredient called guarana, which is another form of caffeine.
Many energy drinks contain the anhydrous form of caffeine and this is particularly health challenging as it bypasses normal digestion and immediately stimulates the brain much like a drug. When our Mind Max product was launched we heard from several doctors who all agreed that there is a difference between the caffeine in most energy drinks and that which is in coffee. The anhydrous form cuts through the blood brain barrier and blocks receptor sites known as adenosine receptor sites. The action of adenosine makes us sleepy so that we have a solid night’s sleep to regenerate and refresh our body.
We are a sleep deprived nation and caffeine addiction is a leading cause. Caffeine, a stimulant, causes the release of adrenalin from the adrenal glands, putting the body into a fight-or-flight mode, where the pupils dilate, the heart beats faster, blood vessels on the skin surface constrict to slow blood flow from cuts and also increase blood flow to muscles … blood pressure rises, blood flow to the stomach slows, the liver releases sugar into the bloodstream for extra energy, and muscles tighten up, ready for action. Caffeine puts us in a ready state for trouble.
When we sit at a desk with this type of energy running through our body it contributes to high blood pressure, poor digestion and a cascade of other responses leading to a stress the body doesn’t know how to disburse. Years of this type of abuse answers why we are a stressed out society that is overweight. We also struggle with anxiety, depression and lack of energy because our body doesn’t know what real energy feels like.
It is also a well know fact that Americans on a whole eat totally deficient and altered foods that contribute to a multitude of health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The recently released movie: Genetic Roulette depicts the relationship between the food we eat and the conditions suffered by Americans. The film also discloses that our government protection agencies are actually contributing to the profit of these mega-conglomerates who are running our nation.
Did you know that food allergies everyone seems to think is a coincidence, have been scientifically documented to be caused, or at least contributed to by the our food being “messed” with for those who have profit in mind? Forcing a foreign organism into the cells of another organism is what genetically modified actually means. This film is a must see if GMO foods are unfamiliar to you. 30-40 years ago people did not have the allergies even young children deal with that are potentially life-threatening: peanut, gluten, pea and even parsley! These foods should be healthful and yet our body treats them as foreign invaders—could it possibly these GMO foods that have been forced upon us without labeling?
Fight back with your purchases. Make sure you are not purchasing GMO foods, buy local whenever you can and ask the farmer if the seeds were “Roundup Ready”. Ask if they use herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Create a relationship with the person who is growing your food.
Real Power Foods are the nutritionally dense foods that provide us with balanced nutrition and support our health. They are things you can identify without a label: fruit, veggies etc. Buy organic if you don’t know your farmer. Refuse to buy food from other countries that can use unregulated fertilizers and herbicides. Learn a method of preservation for the months ahead when fresh isn’t always possible.
If you’re too busy to do any of the above than use a company like Nature’s Sunshine that is looking out for your best interest and makes sure that there are no contaminants in the supplements a food they sell. One of the Power Foods I love is Thai Go—full of antioxidants and dense nutrients. Another is Ultimate Greenzone—add this power packed powder to plain yogurt along with a bit of Thai Go and you have a delicious treat densely packed with nutrients. Make a smoothie with our newly certified “Gluten Free” Nature’s Harvest. Find out what lasting energy is like when you feed your body with these healthful nutrients.
Feed your body with healthy fuel. The benefits are incredible and there are no risks!
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 .
This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #590 Focusing on Health
Good Morning!
As Americans we tend to focus on disease. Some of us accept it as us. “My arthritis” or “My cancer”, are the ways we describe part of us. Each time we refer to ourselves with a condition we reconfirm our illness. What should be said is “my doctor’s diagnosis of …” Or, “I am in pain” and think of the symptom that is being expressed. Symptoms are a signal that something is wrong. The average medicine simply controls the symptom and does nothing for eliminating the condition.
We don’t pay attention until we are in pain. So, if pain is being eliminated we go on making matters worse. Now, I am not saying that one should live in pain but I am saying that if the pain is due to you striking your thumb with a hammer—quit injuring yourself! Food is a striking hammer to many of us. Sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods and inflammation contributes to pain. Most of us are addicted to sugar and wheat (gluten) which are proven to be two of the most inflammatory foods we consume.
Prevention is not uppermost in our thoughts and perhaps it is the biggest ingredient in our being the sickest of nations. We want to stop the symptoms from occurring so we can continue with our “sick” lifestyles. We focus on fun, diversion, taste etc. Maybe we feel that if we don’t think about health we won’t have to worry about disease. Well, how’s that working for you? Are you really healthy—vibrant and full of energy? Do you sleep well at night? Do you go through your day feeling happy?
Or, could you use some clues on how to slip in some healthy habits that may offset some of the “bad” lifestyle. Perhaps your job is stressful but being unemployed may be even more stressful so you continue working at a job you hate. Perhaps you have a toxic relationship that is working in one area of your life but not enough to make you happy. Would it benefit you if you could perhaps look at the life you choose differently so you can be satisfied rather than dissatisfied? Many of us need an attitude check once in a while. Many of us need to examine how we are contributing to our health or lack of health.
I know I can use improvement in my diet and I certainly could exercise more but even still, I would say that I focus on health a whole lot more than the average person. I make choices that are based on healthier decisions and try not to sabotage my well being. How are you compensating for the poor decisions you make? Are you taking medication to block the effects of poor diet?
According to experts, 75% of the diseases that most people have are preventable if we only had a better diet. Why not create a Habit of Health? This Saturday I will be talking about Super Foods. By simply upgrading to a few of these, you could focus on health and not disease. Come learn about 12 categories of superfoods that you can choose from to fit into your healthier lifestyle. Most of us want more energy—let me share an energy drink that actually improves health and isn’t about kicking up your worn out adrenal glands.
Good nutrition does not have to cost a fortune. Sickness has bankrupted many families. A new study suggests that more than 60 percent of people who go bankrupt are actually capsized by medical bills. Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine. When is the last time you heard someone say they went bankrupt because of their herbal and nutritional spending?
A while back I saw a client whose health insurance would stop paying for his and his wife’s medication by this time every year. Each September through the end of the year they would have to shell out thousands of dollars each month to pay for their prescription medication. After some diet changes and supplements we (along with his physician’s okay) were able to drop his 15 prescriptions down to only a few. He is no longer a Diabetic; his weight was in control; his blood pressure was within normal range and his supplement bill was only $125 per month! This is less than one month’s prescription for an entire year of health!
Learn how to create a Habit of Health specific to your needs. You can take the on line analysis or come to the class on Super Foods and fill it out. Nutrition really is your best medicine!
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 . This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #589 Trapeze
Good Morning!
Have you ever been to the circus and seen the “daring young man on the flying trapeze—he flies through the air with the greatest of ease”. Life is sort of like that. Some people seem to jump from one disaster to the next and others swing from one adventure to the next. How do you perceive it? Are you always waiting for the next tragedy? Or, do you realize that in order to get to the platform one has to swing from trapeze bar to trapeze bar and you might as well just be prepared and do the best you can at catching it.
Who is your safety net? Do you have family who are there to support you? Possibly it is your friends or co-workers; maybe even a therapist to talk to. When we fall, and fall we must, who is there to catch you and encourage you to try again?
Just as in any great film there are the main characters but many supporting actors and actresses that make the film great. Maybe you can think of a few that you liked even better than the main character. Most of the time the supporting characters are “invisible” but, without them the main character would not have the same role.
The other day a neighbor of mine was saying he had a sinus infection—“welcome to Michigan”. I said to him, “I’ve never had a sinus infection and I’ve lived here almost my entire life.” I will admit however, I am most unusual as I take sometimes 30 supplements per day to support my health. I take probiotics, enzymes, multi vitamin/mineral, an immune support, cardiac and brain supports, Omega 3, antioxidants etc. I know I don’t always eat right but for the most part I make a big effort to eat healthy and drink good water. I also try to get at least 7 hours of sleep and go to bed around 10:30pm. These are my supports for good health and I attribute them to the fact that I take no drugs. I do enjoy coffee and desserts but drink alcohol rarely. I know I could be a lot healthier if I eliminated some things and added exercise—so I’m not perfect. We all have imperfections. The main thing is how they add up.
I also know that there are some things in life that just have to play out and the trouble can be when I try to fret and manipulate those things I really have no control over. As it is with many people, learning what you can do something about and what you can’t is a challenge. Then, once you know you’ve done what you can-- to just let it go and not question how you could have done it differently has been a big test for me. I’ve learned to take deep breaths and imagine how I think the outcome should be but the biggest help was asking.
“How would I feel if…?” Those five little words preface how I would feel if the situation was different. For example: I’m worried about something and I know I can’t do anything more to make the situation better. I examine how I feel—usually pretty worried. Then I think to myself, “How would I feel if” (whatever the situation was with a better outcome). The main thing to keep in mind is prefacing how you would FEEL if the outcome was good. You then say that question three times and forget about it! Don’t belabor how it is going to happen. Just let it go.
Your body is in a healthier state because you’ve sent out the request based on your feelings and not your demands. You do not answer the question! That is the most difficult part. Most people want to say that they would feel happy or whatever but the reality of it is, you can’t get there because you are still overwhelmed with upset. Just ask the question and let God, the Universe or whatever answer it. Take a deep breath and send it on its way to your supporting team member. Many people think of themselves as all alone. But, there is always Someone who will listen—you just have to ask.
Do you take supplements to support better health in part of your preparation to handle life? Stress uses up B vitamins and other nutrients—are you replenishing them enough? What else could you be doing to support your ability to handle stress? Children have stress also.
In the emotional healing work I do many of the stresses people experience now are due to the baggage they’ve been carrying around since childhood—neglectful parents, mean kids and other challenges they weren’t prepared for. How many of those children would have been able to handle those stresses if they had eaten better, slept better and taken supplements? How hard can it be to swallow a few capsules or tablets that can ensure your health? It sure has worked for me.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763
This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #588 Free Lunch
Good Morning!
Diet foods that contain Aspartame—are they a Free Lunch? It seems as though most people want something for nothing. There’s always a catch. Most medicine will control symptoms and on the other hand carry risk factors. Medical doctors look at the risk factors and determine whether the benefits outweigh the risk.
Now it seems as though the diet drinks and food containing aspartame are not worth the risk they have and the benefit is now contested. Free from calories doesn’t mean that you won’t gain weight. In fact, recent large studies have shown that aspartame containing drinks and food actually trigger a response in our metabolism that makes us gain weight. So, no matter that you’ve been told these are safe to take if you’re diabetic—they are not!
How long has this been known: The classic study conducted by the American Cancer Society 25 years ago of 80,000 women, which showed those who consumed diet sodas gained more weight than those that consumed regular sodas, is routinely ignored. Newer studies have also supported this early finding.
Industry interests speak louder than populous concern. It is now in government just as bad with genetically modified foods being shoved down our throats as it was 25 years ago when Aspartame was touted as “healthy”. Industry never did have our best health interest in the forefront. It has always been about the bottom line.
Whenever something is advertised that sounds too good to be true—you can bet it isn’t true! We must take responsibility for our own health. It is up to us to investigate to make sure what we are doing is right for us. You can take advice from doctors, nurses, health professionals and then weigh it against the risks involved. I certainly would not take advice from the media—whose interest do you think they are going to serve?
In the blink of a second your health can take a wrong turn. Are you doing everything you can to make sure your body is up to the task? Don’t play Russian roulette with your health. Get advice from several different health professionals. Make a decision on what you think feels right for you. The medical community advises based on fear. They warn you about what could happen if you don’t take their advice. This type of reasoning is false.
Here’s a scenario: You are given advice according to a certain MD’s experience. The experience is gained through their medical practice which involves surgery and drugs. They can only follow up with those people who continue using their services. If a person chooses to go a different route and has a completely different outcome—that person doesn’t report back and say what the results were and if they did—would the physician take time to make it part of your record?
Many books have been written about Cancer Cures but according to the American Cancer Society –they’re still looking for the cure. The American Diabetes Association trains dieticians according to the FDA approved foods. “Aspartame has been approved by the FDA for a number of years and is considered safe. It contains two amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid. There is no research to substantiate that it kills brain cells.”
So, when you get that okay from a professional and you’re looking for a reason to drink diet pop—you latch onto it. Even though for years you’ve tried to lose weight and simply cannot shed it. You’re doing everything that the dieticians recommend. You’re watching your calories. But, calories aren’t the only thing that affects health.
Real foods like vegetables and fruit are what our main diet should consist of. People have trained themselves to “need” a soda or two a day. When you drink soda, sport drinks, energy drinks etc. you actually should be drinking water. Because you aren’t replenishing the water you need, you put a strain on your urinary tract, your nervous system, and yes now we see your metabolism.
In order to have a healthy body, we need to be drinking water. Water helps to hydrate the body. Hydration of cells is important in maintaining and regaining health. Now when the cells become dehydrated, it triggers a catabolic state accompanied by muscle wasting, cell hypoxia (oxygen starvation), DNA damage, and accelerated aging. As a result the cell becomes more sensitive to free radicals and more susceptible to viruses and autoimmune diseases. Virtually all symptoms of aging are the result of cellular dehydration accompanied by free radical damage.
Maybe the symptoms you are experiencing have a relationship to the drinks and food you take in. Excitotoxins like aspartame and MSG have been implicated in worsening fibromyalgia and irritable bowel symptoms. Both of these conditions rely on pure water for flushing toxins and acids from the body.
Where health is concerned—there is no such thing as a “free lunch”. It is work and the worse your health is –the harder you have to work to regain it. So, you pay attention now on a daily basis, or you pay for it later. A body can only take so much abuse before it’s going to let you know it doesn’t like how you are treating it. The symptoms may be occasional and mild but if you don’t listen they will get more consistent and louder. I like to tell my clients: “You can listen now when you’ve been tapped on the shoulder, or wait until you’ve been hit by a 2 X 4.” It is your choice.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #587 Satisfaction
Good Morning!
What does being satisfied mean to you? Does it mean perfection or good enough for now? The answer to that question may be the difference between extreme stress or a feeling of being challenged. Being challenged is a good thing. It is what we do when we use our muscles. It is what we do when we plan and execute a project.
I love the song from Mary Poppins: “With every job there’s to be done –there is an element of fun” in the song; A Spoonful of Sugar. What do you do to help your job easier? Do you listen to music, whistle, hum, or do you like silence? Some people have the TV going while they are doing tasks—you may find this makes the task lengthier than it needs to be because you are constantly distracted. Sometimes it is best just to dig in and get it done.
Having satisfaction is to be content. You can feel content when you’ve done the best you can do. Being satisfied is an active state. Most people think of it as a “done deal”. It could be a resting point where you look at what you’ve accomplished and evaluate your goals. Take the Olympics for example; the making and breaking of world records. How can anyone do these record breaking acts?
You don’t have to break any records to feel like you’ve accomplished something. Some things must be done to maintain. Cutting the grass, doing dishes, house cleaning, laundry are all tasks that must be done on a continuous basis in the process of life. If they aren’t done on a regular basis they become a bigger job than necessary. One has to schedule in tasks that need to be done to maintain lifestyle.
Some of the Olympic accomplishments are mind boggling—and yet a human accomplishes it. In many cases, perfection had nothing to do with it. Determination has a great deal to do with it. These accomplishments don’t just happen—one must train for it. Training is done on a daily basis.
Are you satisfied with your health? Do you train on a daily basis for optimum health? What about personal goals and personal bests? More to the point, are you doing anything that helps your body maintain health? There are a lot of things to choose from: diet, exercise, rest, water, supplementation, meditation and even breathing can factor into how healthy you are.
If your daily diet is not providing your body with the nutrients necessary to maintain health, you will have poor performance. If you daily use stimulants to get you through the day, or to boost your energy because you don’t get enough sleep—this will affect your daily performance mentally and physically. Shortcuts often have consequences. When you cheat on what is important in maintaining health—you only cheat yourself.
Exercise is the act of using muscles in order to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. They need to be used or they deteriorate. Jobs that require sitting for long periods of time; or standing for long periods of time, need to be interrupted by short bursts of movement that helps blood to circulate and muscles to stretch. Make sure you do this on an hourly basis. Take 5 minutes to stretch. Walk, bend and take deep breaths using exaggerated movement. Look at the swimmers before they swim—they flex and swing and often pound on themselves to increase circulation to the muscle groups they will be stressing during the event.
Do you rest and meditate? Do you step back and see what you’ve accomplished on a regular basis? If you don’t do that you can’t evaluate to make sure you are on the right track and if you are really where you want to be. Again—a swimmer needs to know the end of the lane is coming and prepare for what is next: how they will do the turn or hit the pad! Before the event they are mentally going over their breathing and the strokes they do—they also see themselves winning! Your mental attitude plays a huge role in how the job gets done.
Sleep is so important. It is a time for your body to repair and balance what has been damaged or imbalanced during the day through the activities you’ve done that day. Stored nutrients now are called into play as the repair process goes on. Are there nutrients stored to support this process? I feel only if you supplement during the day are there enough nutrients to store for repair and cellular regeneration.
Deep sleep does not occur if you go to bed with a TV or other electronic devices on. Some experts say that the electromagnetic field from even having these devices in your bedroom can disrupt the healing process. We have an energy field that is strictly ours and this energy field is disrupted by mechanical energy. If you work at a computer or on a phone, this energy is interrupting your energy causing imbalance. If you then do not allow the body a rest from this type of interference, it causes breakdown instead of repair. There is much scientific evidence that supports this. There are even devices now sensitive enough to measure this energy.
During the month of August I will be doing Compass scans for half price. A Compass scan reads energy fields that help determine the health of the cells in 76 different areas of the body. After assessing these areas it will determine what is out of range and how to bring it back into range nutritionally. You can call the office for a “15 minute” Compass Assessment and the cost will be $15. (248-559-6763) The report will be emailed to you, or you can set up an appointment for a more detailed program that includes muscle testing and health assessment evaluation.
Water is also important. Many people understand how water is needed by the body to hydrate and keep the system flushed from toxins. When cells become dehydrated it isn’t long before disease sets in. My preference in water is Reverse Osmosis and in special cases, Alkaline water. The formula is: half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
In the case of supplementation, I feel that there are 5 essential nutrients that must be supplemented on a daily basis. Since many of us do not have the enzymes necessary to process nutrients, I think even children should take some form of food enzymes daily with food. I think that healthy fats are needed to repair cell damage to those areas that use fat such as the brain. I also know that there is evidence that taking a multi vitamin and mineral supplement assists the body in being healthy. Anti aging experts have proven: by taking antioxidants on a daily basis, we can minimize the damage that our lifestyle places on our human body. Lastly, I feel that in order to have good gut health we must supplement with probiotics daily.
The above 5 essential nutrients have been part of my “training” for over 15 years. I may lack in exercise as some exercise enthusiasts might decree, but I am strict on my supplementation and making sure I get the water my body needs. I also am fairly strict about being in bed by 10:30pm. I make a big effort to eat good food and pay attention to when my body says it is satisfied.
Paying attention to how much your body needs is important. Do you eat more than what would satisfy you? Eating until you are full is not healthy. Being satisfied is what is important. It may take as long as 20 minutes before your body kicks and if you are obese it may not kick in properly at all. Leptin, the "I'm full" hormone, signals your brain that you are full. The more fat on your body, the more leptin resists and refuses to tell your hypothalamus that you are satisfied. Leptin resistance is a serious barrier to weight loss. Read more: How to Check Leptin Levels | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5920971_check-leptin-levels.html#ixzz22louJ2Eo
Being satisfied with where you are in life is important to feeling happy. Take a “satisfaction” check right now and determine your accomplishments and if you are on the right track to being happy. Did you take a detour and forget to get back on the main road? Are you doing the training that will maintain health? Have you congratulated yourself on what you have done? Remember—you are doing the best you can with what you have at the time. The game isn’t over until the “fat lady sings”.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763
This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #586 No Worries!
Good Morning!
You hear people saying this statement a lot these days—No Worries! But, for most of us it’s about caring. We associate worry with those we care about. If you have children, you worry. You want the best for them and it really hurts when they are not happy. If you love someone, you worry whether they feel the same for you and if it will last. Our economic situation is always a concern. There actually is no loss of things to worry about. You pick it.
How does worry affect our body and our nervous system? When we worry our stress responses go into overdrive. This causes the adrenal glands to send out epinephrine and norepinephrine to stimulate a rise in blood pressure and heart rate so that we can flee if necessary. If fleeing isn’t the right thing to do then we need energy to stand and fight whatever bears and lions that come into our path.
Since we typically aren’t fighting bears and lions but our own thoughts—there is no enemy to spend our energy on. So, these hormones create inflammation. The inflammation can be experienced in the head and cause pain there or if there already is inflammation in an area of the body—that is likely to increase. The inflammatory markers trigger other responses in the body calling upon the respiratory, immune and circulatory systems.
All of these systems interact and are profoundly influenced by your coping style and your psychological state. It isn’t the stress that makes you ill. Rather, it’s the effect responses such as excessive worrying and anxiety have on these various interacting systems that can bring on the physical illness. There are things you can do, though, including lifestyle changes, to alter the way you respond to worry and anxiety.
Worry is actually the emotion of fear. Fear that things won’t go as you would like them to go. The opposite of fear is faith. Faith that you can handle change; faith that “everything will be all right” and Faith in a higher power that is there for you. There are some things in life we have no power to change and we must let go of control (or what we think of as control) and just let it be. There are other things that we can do but, we don’t want to do them. Maybe the task is too difficult. Break the task up into do-able steps. When you accomplish a step, congratulate yourself on a job well done. Then go on to the next. If you feel yourself balking, then break that step down into something you can do.
This method is known as “The Kaizen” method of continuous motion. When we are moving toward our goals; something in our brain changes and the production of stress hormones decreases. We are then our on a productive path, rather than destructive one where our health is concerned. Our stress responses are put into action as we focus on what can be done rather than what can’t be done about a particular situation.
Different hormones are emitted now that make us feel good about ourselves. These hormones are called endorphins and they actually can reduce pain and inflammation. So however small the step is take a moment and congratulate yourself. Take a deep breath and look at the next step you have to take. Schedule that step and figure out what you need to do to accomplish it. Don’t be tempted to go on to the next step because then it becomes daunting and counterproductive.
Notice your body’s signals. You will know you’ve gone too far in the planning if you feel at all anxious—the step is too big. Break it down further until you no longer have anxious feelings. When you say to yourself—I can do that step. That’s the step you do next. I encourage you to read about this method: One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way.
Some people get headaches when they worry, others get sick to their stomach and have intestinal upset. Some people will binge eat and others lose their appetite. We are individuals and how our nervous system handles the stress of worry will depend on our weakest health link.
Last email I talked about letting go of those things you have no control over. Obviously, this is easier said than done. There are some very helpful things you can do to de-stress your body while worrying. Eating correctly and keeping your blood sugar balanced is very important in handling stress. Drinking enough water is important. Having physical activity and a good amount of sleep is also necessary to balance the body. Taking supplements that help your body handle stress and repair is essential to good health.
When one is dealing with stressful situations you use up your vitamin B supply. Since B is taken up in the intestinal lining, it stands to reason that if you have intestinal upset you are going to be deficient in this important supplement. Our body does not manufacture B vitamins, we must eat them. They are also water soluble and therefore fragile Taking a good supply of B vitamins generally means having very yellow urine. If you are taking them and your urine is not yellow then you can assume you are not taking enough.
It is also important to have a good supply of healthy bacteria in the intestines as they help in the uptake as well as the manufacture of B vitamins from other nutrients. I will be discussing other things that support health when dealing with stress during the month of August and in the Herbal Hour class—until then; No Worries!
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763
This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #585 Decisions, Decisions!
Good Morning!
Soon it will be August and comes the time to decide, for parents, all the things necessary for getting your child ready for school. For all adults the decision may have to do with who to vote for and what proposals will best suit your needs.
Having choices is a good thing. It is what makes us feel we have control over our life’s circumstances. Of course, there are those who do not like to make decisions and when they make others decide for them they can blame them for what has happened when it goes wrong. Adults need to make their own decisions even though having to make choices can be stressful.
Making good choices sometimes depends on having a healthy nervous system and adrenal glands. When a person is constantly worrying about whether they make good choices the doubt and fear set up an inability to make wise choices. When we have made a good choice, no matter how small it might be—we need to recognize it was a good choice. Most of us latch on to the poor choices we made in life. What you concentrate on—you get more of. So, focus on the good and you’ll get more of it. Even if you noticed the sky looked like rain so you brought your umbrella with you to work—wise choice because later that day it rained.
In the emotional healing work I do, the adrenal glands are often the brunt of stressful times. Decisions, choices and having no choice but being driven to do something you don’t want to do, all reside in the adrenal glands and these emotions can trigger ill health. One might relate them to worry. Worry and stress feed on each other. This cycle must be broken!
Do you worry over the decisions you make, or have to make? This concern actually triggers hormones like epinephrine to be emitted. These stress hormones can cause anxiety, heart palpitations and even perspiration and high blood pressure. All of these are flight/fight response mechanisms. They occur naturally in an effort to get the body ready for action or to stand and fight. It is very useful when our life is in danger. But, as Americans, we are fighting lions and bears every day. This wears out and overtaxes this response system.
The stress hormones also create inflammation. We all know that inflammation triggers pain and can cause a plethora of diseases. One of which is irritable bowel. Another is heart disease and there are some that say even Cancer can be attributed to stress and the hormones triggered by stress.
The best thing to do is to realize that having a choice is a good thing. Another thing we must realize is that some things are not in our control and if it isn’t we must just let it go! Faith is the opposite of fear. Have faith that you have made the right decision; that you will make the correct choice for the time being and let go of those things that you don’t have control over and let someone else worry about it. Those people who have a strong belief system and trust that “it will be okay”, generally live longer and with less pain.
So, here you have a choice--again. You can either choose to worry and stress about everything, knowing you will be sick doing it; or, you can make a decision and know that it will be okay. Or, as Albert Einstein once put it: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle".
In the case of to vaccinate, or not vaccinate: Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated and was never healthy again. Among America’s highly vaccinated child population, today, 1 child out of 6 is learning disabled; 1 in 9 is asthmatic; 1 in 88 develops autism and 1 in 450 becomes diabetic.
Michigan does have exemption laws—don’t let your doctor bully you into having vaccines or vaccinating your child when you do not want to. You have the right to choose and your child has the right to education.
It's vitally important to know and exercise your legal rights and to understand your options when it comes to using vaccines and prescription drugs. For example, your doctor is legally obligated to provide you with the CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet and discuss the potential symptoms of side effects of the vaccination(s) you or your child receive BEFORE vaccination takes place. If someone giving a vaccine does not do this, it is a violation of federal law.
The government has exempted vaccine makers from harmful events when those vaccines are injected “for the greater good”. The problem exists that the proof of efficacy of those drugs has been woefully falsified and many of the vaccines do not protect as they are touted. All vaccines have a risk to benefit ratio. This means that there is always a risk and now the government has made it the burden of the receiver to carry the results without compensation. Why would a law like this be enacted you might ask? Because many people just don’t care enough to get informed. Please check out this site for further information on your right to choose health: MichiganNaturalHealthCoalition.org.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 This information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #584 Dry conditions continue
Good Morning!
This seems to be one of the hottest and driest summers that I can remember. This spring everything bloomed much earlier than usual and unfortunately many crops were ruined by the frost that hit shortly after the blooms arrived on the trees. Every magnolia tree had gorgeous blooms only to turn brown and almost die due to the severe drop in temperature. Normally I have to wait until the end of July or the beginning of August to taste one of my ripe tomatoes and this year we had ripe tomatoes in June!
You too may have stories to tell of these hot days. I’m grateful I live in a time of air conditioning and feel very bad for those who do not have a way to get cool. I remember when I was younger and we would go to the movies or the mall just to have some relief from the hot temperatures. The movie wasn’t very often because you had to pay to get in.
The hard part, of course, is readjusting to the heat when you do leave the air conditioning. It is one of the challenges of the adrenal glands to handle thermal stress and the thyroid is very important in keeping our core temperature normal. Taking a wet wash cloth and placing in on the back of the neck will help keep us cooler. The thyroid gets messages from the hypothalamus which in turn gets its messages from the skin. Here is a website that tells more: http://dwb.unl.edu/teacher/nsf/c01/c01links/www.science.mcmaster.ca/biology/4s03/thermoregulation.html
This summer has been the hottest and driest for many years and will go on record as that if the trend continues. It is not normal for our grass in Michigan to be brown this time of year and yet due to the lack of rainfall not only the grass is dying but many trees as well. Water is an important part of life. Next to air it is one of the most essential nutrients for life there is. Our body is about 60% water and our brain is about 70%. So, if we don’t hydrate we lose this percentage of water and our systems suffer for it. Because the brain needs the most, fuzzy and unclear thinking is one of the symptoms of dehydration.
We too must remain hydrated or suffer cramping and dehydration. As we perspire we not only eliminate water but also salt. Putting a pinch or two of NSP salt in your water will help replenish the lost salt and if you like taste—try the Revive Solstic pack in your water. Salt helps to get the water into the cells. If the water doesn’t get into the cells you can experience edema (swelling in the extremities),
If you are taking medication that makes you urinate more often, such as diuretics to control blood pressure, you are at more risk than those who don’t take this medication. Also, obese people are at more risk as their water percentage is lessened by the body fat percentage being increased. It isn’t advisable to take table salt as this creates a mineral deficiency and water retention problem.
Full spectrum salt such as NSP Sea Salt is beneficial in small amounts as it helps to retain sodium balance. Celery salt is added to this recipe as it is a natural source of sodium. Eating salty foods such as ham, bacon, hot dogs and those meats that contain sodium nitrate may cause you to be more thirsty than usual because they make the sodium levels of the body increase. You must make sure you are drinking enough water to compensate; or better yet, don’t eat these foods.
Many of the drinks people have during the summer continue to dehydrate—such as beer, soda pop, alcohol and sport drinks. Hydrating with water and lemon (without the sugar) is a good idea. My favorite is to add an ounce of Thai Go to my natural lemonade for speedy energy recovery or try drinking your water with a teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll for more refreshing recipes: http://www.bornforhealth.com/newsletteregram/recipes.html
Liquid chlorophyll is a great energy modulator and blood purifier. It can help deodorize a body and that can be especially helpful when one is perspiring a lot. Chlorophyll is also antibacterial so it can help the immune system fight against pathogens. It helps to build the blood and make it richer in hemoglobin. This will help boost energy. Read more about liquid chlorophyll: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=1683-7
In the South they take siestas during the hot time of the day and do their work during the cooler times. Lying with the limbs spread is another way to cool the body. Wear lose clothing and don’t use antiperspirants as these plug up the sweat glands and cause toxins to build up in the lymphatic system. Drink half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day and to this you can add Solstic Energy or Revive; lemon juice; Thai Go or Chlorophyll. Stay hydrated this summer and eat lots of refreshing salads.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 bThis information is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Herbal eGram #583 Oops, Sorry about that!
Good Morning!
If there is one statement that really shows how callous a person can be it is: “Oops, Sorry about that”! This statement is generally spoken with little or no true regret. The Pharmaceutical industry has become so inured to injuring people, or causing death that it is just taken as a matter of course—no regret. If you do get them to “fess up” and pay a settlement, it generally means nothing to them. They can pay out millions of dollars and still go on doing harm. Our government protects them from harm.
In the case of flu vaccines: “US regulations already place ALL the risk on the public receiving the vaccine, regardless of whether the vaccine is mandated or voluntary. Vaccine makers can more or less create a lethal vaccine and get away scot free at this point; they're that well protected against liability for adverse events of pandemic vaccines.” Doesn’t this make you question what you are having injected into your body? How can you possibly believe that the injection will keep you safe? Those who inject you are protected under the same mandate as the company that makes the vaccine. If you get sick, or worse die—it’s Oops, sorry about that but we won’t be responsible for any debt incurred or pain, suffering or physical or emotional harm done.
Your immune system is what is going to protect you and keep your body strong and healthy. When your digestion is working properly the acids in your stomach kill off bacteria and harmful organisms before they can invade further. But many Americans choose to use antacids or other such digestive deterrents. Your better choice would be to support digestion with enzymes—especially ones that promote the proper pH of the stomach.
According to Biology Online, gastric juice, the broad name for the stomach secretions that enable digestion, contains pepsinogen (pepsin), intrinsic factor, gastrin, bicarbonates, and mucus in addition to generous amounts of hydrochloric acid. These compounds work together to enable digestion of virtually anything a person can eat. Assisting your body in producing these juices is what taking an enzyme product like Food Enzymes does best.
Most Americans have lost the ability to produce the proper digestive fluids by the time they’re in their mid thirties and should take an enzyme product for optimum health. I think of enzymes as an essential ingredient to a healthy regimen and feel that even children will occasionally benefit by taking a digestive support.
Digestion is interrupted when we are emotional upset. If you get butterflies in your stomach when you have to give a speech, drive through white-knuckle traffic, or argue with your spouse, you’re not alone: Stress can exact a very real physical toll on your digestive system. Some people eat when they are stressed and some simply cannot eat when they are stressed. Our emotions affect our ability to produce the right environment for good digestion. http://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/the-gut-brain-connection.aspx Children are not immune to stress.
Children often feel they are the cause of disharmony between parents. They feel pressure at school and amongst their peers. Children worry! These emotions can interrupt the ability for the body to process—what’s happening around them and in them. This inability to digest impacts the immune system and makes us more susceptible to attack by bacteria and viruses. It is a simple matter that causes no harm; take a digestive such as Papayazyme with meals and children who are stressed should be encouraged to take enzymes to help their body process better.
When digestion is poor for a long period of time the cascade is not only poor immunity but also poor elimination and a general weakness of the entire body. If one cannot digest well, one cannot process and absorb well either. This means that the organs and systems do not get the nutrients they need to thrive. It can show up in instances of muscle weakness, poor gut health, being often sick or dealing with allergies. If you have such concerns it would be a good idea to take enzymes with each meal and see if your situation improves. If you are also dealing with a lot of stress take a dose of Distress Remedy 15 minutes before eating. It will help your body deal with stress better and causes no side effects.
If you are going to listen to advice would you rather the person giving the advice be a caring person or a company that just doesn’t care? Do you want to hear, how can I help; or, “Sorry about that”?
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #582 symbiotic or parasitic?
Good Morning!
Symbiotic relationships are usually beneficial to both species whereas a parasitic relationship means that the host is compromised to the benefit of the parasitic organism. Some marriages could be categorized one way or the other whereas marriage should be a bond of mutually gratifying and interdependent relationship that benefits both.
Parasites know when the organism is weak and preys on it. Have you ever seen a dead or dying tree that grows mushrooms or has algae on it? In some cases lichen, moss or algae form on trees due to moisture or an abundance of shade. Most often it does no harm. It can however be indicative of a weakened state. Sometimes pruning to allow more sun to come through or a dose of fertilizer will create balance again. My favorite spray is NSP concentrate (about 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water) and to this solution I often add tea tree oil which is antifungal. You can also add a teaspoon of Nature’s Fresh Enzyme spray to this solution and allows the foliage to absorb water better and nourish the plant at the cell level.
Humans allow parasites to take hold due to improper eating and a depleted immune system. When we don’t feed our body properly with the nutrients we need to be healthy, our immune system struggles to do its job. Sugar and starches feed yeast and fungus which can be considered parasitical in nature as they disrupt the balance in the body. Not having enough good bacteria in the gut will also allow this situation to take hold and it is tough to rebalance.
Stress takes a toll on the immune system. The host can no longer defend itself against parasitic organisms. When you add stress to an already struggling immune system you are bound to weaken the defense system to the point where invasion is a probable. Our body takes care and proper feeding just like our plants. If you garden, you know you have to water and feed those plants. You also have to weed. Think of doing a parasite cleanse like weeding your garden.
According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 million people suffer from parasitic infection and not all these live in a third world country. Many of these people live with animals that have parasites. Many eat raw meat that has parasite eggs and because the person’s immune system is weakened, it cannot fight off the parasite. Diagnosing parasites is tough. Most medical doctors will do a stool sample and these are only 20% accurate! Many parasites live in the cells and cannot be identified by doing a stool sample. Some live blood analysis will help determine parasites but it would be far cheaper just to go ahead and do a cleanse!
Nobody likes to think that they have parasites but actually doing a cleanse is the best way to make sure you don’t have them. We have many herbs available that are well documented in being anti-parasitical. Some of these herbs are spices that you can incorporate in your meals. Some of the herbs are nasty and you need to take in capsule form just to get in you. Eating right most of the time will also keep your immune system strong.
How often do you get a cold or the flu? Do you have allergies? Do you get sound, restful sleep? Do you drink water—enough to cleanse your system? Taking supplements that support the immune system and strengthen it may involve taking herbs and vitamin/minerals as well as enzymes. Remember the enzyme spray I like to put on my plants—well I also take enzymes with meals every day to support my digestive system and help break nutrients down so they are easily absorbed.
Some parasites may infect the entire family and so everyone should do a parasite cleanse at least once a year to make sure the immune system is as strong as it needs to be to fight other infections. Pinworms are highly contagious and easily passed around the family. One might know they have this if they have rectal itching. Children are particularly susceptible to these. However, pinworms can often be found as far up in women as the fallopian tubes and uterus. Combating nematodes of this type includes washing the bedding often; be sure everyone washes their hands after going to the toilet and daily brushing under their nails while washing their hands. Avoid a diet high in sugar as this feeds parasites and take probiotics every day.
An antiparasitical spray you can use on toilets and bathtubs: 2 ounces of purified water; 10 drops of tea tree; 5 drops Rosemary or Thyme and 5 drops Pine needle. All of these essential oils are available through NSP (the only company I trust not to alter them). Add a half teaspoon of Nature’s Fresh Enzyme spray and then shake up in a spray bottle and spray on toilet seats and bathtub at least 3-4 times a week and especially after company. I always use this in hotel rooms!
It is much easier to prevent parasites than it is to get rid of them. As anyone knows—when you have guests that visit; it is nicer if they stay for only a short time but can be doggone inconvenient if they stay past the welcome stage. With some people the best thing to do is just say no! Being a good guest means being symbiotic and not parasitic.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored please use account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763 If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments