This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link --most are recorded and available at your convenience. Check the Educational tab for selections. Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #614 Transparency
Good Morning!
Part of the human element is that we make mistakes. Mistakes are in fact, a very good learning platform. When a person has good self-esteem they don’t get emotionally involved in their mistakes. It’s just part of being human. But, many of us have been brought up to be embarrassed by mistakes. So, we don’t like to admit those mistakes. We are afraid of the consequences of our mistakes. There are personal responsibilities, moral responsibilities and civic responsibilities. Mostly being responsible is doing what is right.
We inherently know what is right. Some of us learn to tune out this consciousness and sometimes we are taught to in order to survive. War makes us tune out our responsibility to other humans. I want to focus on our responsibility to our own happiness. Self-responsibility is recognizing we have the power to be happy and successful. We had a little saying in our home when our sons were growing up: “I take responsibility for the way I feel; because I create the experience that I feel is real”.
Knowing that others care about you is definitely helpful because that too is part of being human. We are community oriented. Just like wolves live in a pact; humans respond better when they are part of a family and expanded on that, a community. We behave better when we know that others care. However, what builds self-esteem is to do the right thing even when nobody is around. If everyone actually shouldered this responsibility there would be little need for our Justice system. This, by the way, is often not just. It has gotten to the point that it isn’t about what is right or wrong but, who has the most effective lawyer.
Another down side of our humanness is greed. Let’s see how much we can get away with. Look at any two-year old and see how that system works. They keep testing until they’ve worn you down and then they do what they want to. They have much more energy than the parent and they have much more focus on what it is they want. If that two-year old grows up but stays at the level of maturity that if they doggedly keep at what they want and eventually will get it –they often are highly successful in business and lousy at relationships. Are they really happy?
Taking responsibility for our human faults and admitting we are wrong takes courage. Often it means rejection and disappointment in those we want most to impress. We would much rather have that person think highly of us and lie than to express our faults and hazard losing their esteem. If it is a boss, we may lose our job. If it is a spouse, we may lose the relationship. But, living a lie has an eroding effect on our feeling of self-worth.
When mistakes mean the difference between life and death—the stakes are considerably higher. If one drinks and drives they may have to take responsibility for hitting someone with their vehicle. When a surgeon is doing an operation he/she must do everything they can, not to make a mistake and yet… Medical mistakes happen in one of four incidences according to the New England Journal of Medicine.
In a “Scientific American” 2009 article: http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=deaths-from-avoidable-medical-error-2009-08-10 Hearst Media did a report on medical errors resulting in death and found that: Preventable medical mistakes and infections are responsible for about 200,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. These errors were objects left in a body during surgery; cutting on the wrong body part and other “human” mistakes. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I were responsible for an error like that! Admitting the error could also mean losing hospital privileges or even one’s livelihood.
How do you handle “fessing up” to a wrong you’ve done? What if that wrong was to you? Being totally honest with oneself isn’t always easy either. We don’t like to admit our errors even to ourselves. Blaming others for our life’s circumstances is much easier than looking at our part in what is happening. When we blame others for our unhappiness we know it doesn’t solve the problem and in fact, can create a whole area of other problems.
What can one do about facing our faults and doing better? First of all, mistakes are an opportunity to learn. This is what University of Michigan Hospital did. They actually fessed up: http://mylocalhealthguide.com/2012/07/11/seven-pillars-admitting-medical-errors-to-improve-patient-safety/ And now they have procedures that a patient, or family of a patient who has been wronged can follow. They didn’t “sweep it under the carpet” and put the burden of blame on the wronged party. They took it as an opportunity to better their hospital procedures and make it safer.
We can do the same thing. If you are unhappy about a circumstance: Ask yourself how YOU can make it different. Sometimes the only thing you can change is your perspective. It is amazing how just changing your attitude about a circumstance can make it that more tolerable. Most of the time when we hold resentment about our life, it is only hurting us—it isn’t even affecting the person or thing we are resenting. Do you consider that a win? What if logically we know this but can’t somehow change the way we feel? This is where energy essences come in!
Do emotional triggers assist in our response to certain scenarios? I feel that they most certainly attribute to how we respond to stimuli. If we can release those feelings we then can look logically at our circumstances and intelligently come up with a solution. What if those triggers could be identified for what they are…Past Issues; and when they are exposed and dealt with, no longer create a trigger response?
How would it be if you could assist in releasing those triggers with a gentle remedy? This too is possible. What if you didn’t even have to identify the original trigger but recognized that these exist and are sabotaging your happiness? This is exactly how Flower Essences work. They are subtle energy shifts that reposition the stimulus and response mechanism. The energy formula “Be Response-Able” helps us get in touch with self-honesty and self-awareness. It can help with behaviors that are dysfunctional and sabotage our happiness. These behaviors can be even addictive response behaviors like smoking, alcohol abuse or drug addiction; they can be compulsive eating, shopping, gambling, watching TV or playing time-sucking games. Often times these behaviors are expressed as compulsive hand washing; counting tiles, cracks and other objects or even hoarding stuff.
The flowers in this essence deal with dysfunctional behavior due to hidden emotions that are part of our past experience, and have never been resolved. We don’t have to visit them or even know them to be expunged. That is the beauty of energy medicine! They work on a vibrational level exactly where the dysfunction works. Another beauty of this gentle medicine is that there are no bad side effects. It either works or it doesn’t.
Oftentimes people will take the Be Response-Able and then ten minutes later follow it with Be Courageous. Fear is often the driving emotion behind irresponsibility. Be Courageous helps us to face our fears and take the action step needed to self-confidence. It helps to learn trust based on observation and judgment rather than blindly trusting that others can make better choices for us. This technique sets up the blaming scenario. When others choose for us we can then blame them for making a bad choice for us. Nobody really knows exactly what another person wants. If only communication was that great!
If you are interested in feeling better about yourself, your decisions, your happiness and your success you might look into taking these two gentle remedies. They are in liquid form and are non-alcoholic so children can take them as well. Usually a person takes them in between meals 3-4 times a day but they may be taken when you feel the need and see that they help. The directions say you can take 4-10 drops under the tongue. You can also add them to water and sip on them throughout the day. Let me know your experiences with these wonderful energy medicines. Let your life be more transparent and happy.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #613 First Choice
Good Morning!
This past weekend I attended the all-day class on Health Education. It was fabulous and I enjoyed it very much. Among the subjects we learned some basic information that will help in the event of an emergency. Before 911 is called and before the ambulance arrives—what can you do to minimize trauma? There is a lot a person can do if you know what to do. Trauma is something nobody seems to be prepared for. If people were more prepared, the trauma would be of less affect. Having some basic things on hand can minimize injuries both physical and emotional.
For example: Capsicum can stop bleeding within minutes. Our instructor, Sylvia Rogers is a nurse (among a lot of other degrees) and she told us of a time a child under her care obtained a head injury and the head was bleeding profusely all over this little girl’s blond hair. The mother was to arrive shortly to pick her up and Sylvia opened a capsule of Capsicum and dumped in on the wound. This herb makes the red blood cells rise to the surface and begin clotting. Within minutes the wound was sealed and she could dab the blood away from the hair. When the mother looked at the wound a little while later all she saw was a scratch that had already scabbed over. Sylvia suggested she have a doctor look at the little girl if she observed any unusual behavior. Her quick response saved that little girl a whole lot of trauma and with hospital fees as they are—saved the mother considerable money.
Do you have a First Aid Kit? Most people have a few band aids on hand and perhaps an antiseptic spray that stings like crazy. I have something in my bathroom called “BooBoo spray”. It consists of purified water in a 2 ounce spray bottle; 1 Tablespoon Silver shield liquid; 10 drops of Lavender essential oil. This can be sprayed on any open wound to wash the wound and to help it heal faster. After liberally spraying the wound you can dab with a clean cloth and cover with a gauze bandage or band aid.
Some other techniques I’ve used: dabbing Lavender oil directly onto a burn from a curling iron. This along with fast light rubbing saved me from getting blisters or even a red mark! I mistakenly grabbed the heated part of a curling iron with my hand and of course dropped the curling iron and grabbed for my Lavender oil (I keep it in my makeup bag –good thing because this was on a trip). I dabbed it on the burn and began to rub with my other hand very quickly but lightly. I could almost see the burn going away. After 10 minutes (which seems like an eternity when you are doing this process), the burn didn’t hurt at all.
The Fast Light stroking technique is something I learned from one of my mentors, Steven Horne http://www.modernherbalmedicine.com/articles/applied-lymphology-unlocking-the-secret-to-pain-relief-2.html?page=3 It has helped me in so many ways. I’ve bumped myself and used this method along with Tei fu essential oil and prevented bruises from even happening. The thing I learned is that one has to go beyond the half a minute rub that we instinctively do. You need to engage the lymph system and bring with it all of the natural healing power it carries.
April’s Herbal Hour is focused on Natural Healing for Post-Traumatic Stress syndrome. Some doctors refer to this as PTSD. This is generally a chronic manifestation of something that occurred during your life and it just keeps on repeating. It can be abuse from a parent or loved one; it can be a remembered time of horror or, an accident; whatever it is the memory cycles continuously and actually can paralyze a person. There are some tools that can help you to move this energy so that you can learn to be happy and productive. The medical community offers only talk therapy and numbing medication. There is so much more you can do to help yourself.
Just as the Light Fast stroking can help to move energy and engage the immune system what if you had some basic knowledge of how to move the healing energy through your body and assist it with healing nutrients, the after effects on an injury or accident would be much less. Some events like war and disasters aren’t something one can prepare easily for. But, there are some events that we can prepare for and should have tools on hand to fix the situation, or at least make it tolerable. Other events would be more serious and take some dedication to bring healing.
I think it important for at least one person in the family to understand some basic skills of first aid in case of emergency. When should you ice and when to use heat; what do you do for a bleeding head wound; what about a burn…do you know what to do for these to minimize the tissue damage and to increase healing? Do you have on hand natural anti-inflammatories; gauze bandages and tape to hold it in place; charcoal in case of poisoning? What you do in the first 15 minutes after an injury can determine how long you deal with that injury. Make natural and herbal choices your first choice to minimize tissue damage.
When a wound occurs, tissue damage also occurs. If you can engage the circulatory system and speed up the healing process, that wound will heal much faster. Adjacent tissue will be less likely to get inflamed if you can calm the inflammatory response. Having good nutrition and emergency support on hand will minimize the damage also.
Many times I’ve been grateful for having some basic things on hand like Histablock, which is a natural anti-histamine supplement. It has even helped my neighbor who is severely allergic to bee stings when she unearthed some termite bees and had several stings before she dropped the shovel. She immediately emptied one of the capsules of Histablock into her mouth and then took 3 more. It worked even more effectively than the Benadryl she usually took.
Hope these little hints have been helpful for you and you will think about adding a First Choice kit to your emergency first aid kit.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #612 Low Fat
Good Morning!
We’ve been told for years that eating low fat is healthy. Eating healthy has been bandied about so much most of us are totally confused at what “eating healthy” really is. There must be some connection to the way we eat and the fact that Americans are so unhealthy. Have we been steered wrong all these years? Is being a vegetarian right? Was Adkin’s right? How about all those spin offs like South Beach?
There are so many “diets” out there! Is eating healthy something we should do only if we are in trouble? It just makes sense that we have to fuel our body so that we can gain optimum performance from it. Eating chemical free is a good start. Why in the world would we knowingly do something that is harmful? We aren’t programmed for destruction and yet most of us eat destructing food.
Have you ever watched any “war” films? These people literally were starving. They had rations for everything. I personally think that when our parents came out of those war years they were so happy to have things like bread to put on the table they wanted us to never feel starved. Bread, rice and those things like pasta are filling. When you have little money and fresh vegetables are scarce, eating bread is a mainstay.
Within the last 30 years our country has become fatter and fatter on grains—sort of like our cattle. We’ve been told that food like eggs and butter are bad for us. We were told that margarine helped prevent heart disease—how could they promote such bad information? We ought to be outraged! How many of you bought into the “white egg omelet” and “Promise” idea of healthy eating?
Look where it has landed us--According to the New York Times: Deaths before age 50 accounted for about two-thirds of the difference in life expectancy between males in the United States and their counterparts in 16 other developed countries, and about one-third of the difference for females. The countries in the analysis included Canada, Japan, Australia, France, Germany and Spain. The report goes on to state that we have the highest incidence of Heart Disease and Diabetes and that our young children are dying due to “adult” diseases and neurological imbalances that drive them to abuse. This generation will be the first ever to experience the death of our children before our own demise. More deaths due to illnesses than lives lost in past wars.
Something definitely has to change if the human race is to survive this millennium. Our diets and lifestyles are the cause of our poor health. We live in a toxic world and our body needs better nutrition to compensate for these toxic influences. Fat absorbs toxins. When we don’t eat quality fats our body can’t defend against toxins. The problem is we’ve been eating toxic fats: potato chips, French fries, GMO corn starch made into tortillas and chips; pesticide ridden grains that have been hybrid for optimal gluten output to make bread and pasta. Our food has been slowly and painfully killing us. And we take a “spoonful of sugar” to make all that medicine go down.
There seems to be a compelling interest in High Fat, low carb and low protein diet known as the Ketogenic diet. I recently had a client introduce me to the book and no sooner had I borrowed it from the library when Dr. Mercola had an article on how the Ketogenic diet is being used to eliminate brain tumors. The book states the effectiveness of using this diet for Epilepsy but the cancer studies are equally fascinating.
Last Saturday I did a class on cholesterol and debunking the myth of fats being bad. The brain is starving for healthy fats. Would that be one of the reason tumors are forming and neurological conditions are on the rise? Is our brain not getting the fat it needs for repair and clear thinking? It is a very interesting concept. One I think will be examined in the years to come and perhaps wipe out diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer’s and even ADD.
Dr. Robert Lustig – an expert on the dangers of high carb diets – was recently interviewed by NPR radio’s Science Friday segment. His new book, Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease, tackles the persistent myths about fat that is endangering the health of millions. It’s difficult to know just how many people have suffered poor health because they followed conventional low-fat recommendations
Look at a “low fat” dressing and you will notice that carbohydrates are greatly increased. Sugar is an inflammatory food and starches turn quickly into sugar so not eating these foods makes sense if you want to stop the rise of inflammation. Using a quality fat on our salad would be better for you and add a handful of raw nuts. Perhaps make a “nut” dressing using Almond or Walnut oil. Fat is an insulator and perhaps our nerves are not insulated enough.
We are seeing sensitivity to wheat and the relationship to hyperactivity (which is an inflammatory condition); could there also be a relationship to hypertension and other forms of inflammatory disease like diabetes? Inflammation is the underlying contributing factor to almost every chronic disease we know.
The standard of care for Cancer is chemotherapy drugs and radiation which cause astounding amounts of inflammation in the body. So much so that doctors are now prescribing steroids to calm the inflammation. The problem with steroids is that they put the body in a hyper insulin state close to Diabetes. In fact, many people become diabetic after their cancer is treated. Dr. Dominic D'Agostino along with a team of researchers at the University of South Florida studies metabolic therapy. They found that when lab animals were fed a carb-free diet, they survived highly aggressive metastatic cancer better than those treated with chemotherapy.
Most studies are paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. Research studies are very expensive and the drug companies can recoup those expenses by selling drugs. Some of the chemo medications cost thousands of dollars for one dose. What if you did your own research and ate more healthy fats beginning with taking an Omega 3 supplement twice a day to feed your brain and nervous system? I highly recommend the Super Trio. Adapt this menu for eating healthy: http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/ketogenic-diet-menu.html
You might think that people gain weight eating so much fat but in fact, people are losing weight by eating more fat. The trick is to stay away from sugar and starches. It is very difficult to find non-grain substitutes. Most gluten-free is still using a grain. You learn to make lettuce wraps (instead of using bread). I know personally that when I eat bread or pasta my “spare tire” inflates! A modified diet would include more fresh vegetables but slather the good butter on them. Make wise choices as far as grass fed (rather than grain fed and hormone filled) animal fat and protein. Add macadamia nuts and coconut oil daily to your diet. Let me know your results!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #611 The I M system
Good Morning!
Life force, energy, spirit—whatever you call it, there is something in us that defines us as living. The more you have of this vibrational resonance—the healthier you are. I tend to think that the immune system is connected to this life force and that is why I said I M system. It’s even part of the word IMmune. Perhaps it’s the Instant Messenger of our body!
If you point at yourself to say I am…you would naturally point to the thymus area; an integral part of the immune system. As we age the Thymus gland shrinks. Doctors used to think that it was something only the young needed. However, we now know that it is an important link to the immune system. Some schools of thought in medical circles is that if this organ is removed auto immune conditions will improve. Others believe that the reason this gland shrinks is because of all the baggage we collect through the years.
Wikipedia says that it is where lymphocytes (t cells) are educated and told where to go and what to attack. So, it is connected to the adaptive immune response. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thymus Each T cell attacks a different antigen. T cells that attack the body's own proteins are eliminated in the thymus. Thymic epithelial cells express major proteins from elsewhere in the body, and T cells that respond to those proteins are eliminated through programmed cell death (apoptosis). So, it is a way for the immune system to “talk” to the Major and find out instructions.
There are actually two separate distinctions of the immune system: innate and adaptive. I like to think of the innate as that part that connects us with our spirituality. You may recognize this: I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me--and I in him—When God spoke to Moses he said I am who am. (there are different variations of this determined by interpretation). I am of the belief that we are connected to the Supreme Being through our innate immune system. And this is connected to the Amygdala part of the brain that holds our emotions.
The amygdala sends impulses to the hypothalamus for activation of the sympathetic nervous system, to the thalamic reticular nucleus for increased reflexes, to the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve and the facial nerve, and to the ventral tegmental area, locus coeruleus, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for activation of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Let’s just say that it signals the face to express; our nervous system to respond in either flight or fight but most importantly to pause.
We don’t always pay attention to the “pause” part of this triangle. Sometimes we jump to conclusions (and base our whole life on this); sometimes we run from the scene (and keep on running so we never experience this hurt again) but, what we should do is take a deep breath and examine the situation. Is our interpretation real? When I have thoughts of my interpretation—how does it make me feel? Since it makes me unhappy, how would it feel if I thought differently? Who would benefit from me thinking differently (usually Me)—okay, Think Differently!
This doesn’t mean that you should ignore the presence of fear. Fear is an important part of our immune system that defends us against harm. What it means to pause is to intelligently make your next step. It also means that you should not obsess about your response. When we don’t pause we often ask ourselves if we made the right decision way past the point making another decision is possible.
When we feel betrayed, abandoned, alone or hurt in a variety of ways, the innate immune system sends signals to the Amygdala and it lowers the energy. This is our signal to pause and determine our next step. If we keep cycling on what we should have done our immune system goes into a frozen state. It literally begins to shut down.
There are many ways to enliven it. It is part of emotional healing. I use a technique called Neuro Emotional Technique. There are a variety of other techniques such as EFT and NEAT and BEST. Some of these are facilitated by a practitioner and some of them you can learn and do on your own. Along with these techniques I recommend using flower essences and sometimes essential oil.
Since the Amygdala is connected to the limbic system—these remedies can help lift the vibrations of the body and create a more healing energy. Picking an essential oil is as simple as, “does it smell good to you?” Picking an emotional healing remedy can be done by taking a simple questionnaire (PDF on my website). http://www.bornforhealth.com/images/Emotional_Assessment.pdf
How does emotional release impact one’s health? I feel that most every chronic condition the body deals with has an emotional component. If you can release this depressive energy—you can raise the level of healing the immune system works with. By simply taking a bath in Lavender or Pink Grapefruit essential oil—it is documented that the immune response can be increased. If you would like to learn more about how these work come to the workshop on March 16th in Ann Arbor. Register through NSP 800-223-8225. If you miss this class another will be held in the fall.
How do you raise the level of the IMmune system? Essential oils, Flower Essence remedies and nutritional supplementation along with eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, exercise and drinking good water are the basic elements of supporting a healthy immune system.
Does this affect our body’s resistance to heart disease and cancer? Many books have been written about the fact that when a body has lowered immune response it makes us more susceptible to disease. When the body has lowered immune response for a long time—chronic conditions are at risk. The immune can no longer fight off invading organisms, nor can it compensate for the toxins we subject our body to on a daily basis. These toxins can include environment, poor food and relationships.
Feed your immune system healthy thoughts about yourself along with supplementation. It will respond by keeping you healthy.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #610 “That’s a Lie!”
Good Morning!
Through the years we’ve been subjected to an incredible amount of lies regarding what is healthy and what is not. Some of you may follow Dr. Joe Mercola: He recently gave 10 of the most popular lies about food and health. We’re told a lot of lies. The consequences for listening to those lies are why this country is the fattest and the unhealthiest of all civilized nations. Our children are dealing with diseases of 40 year olds and our 40 year olds are dealing with conditions of 80 year olds!
Why do we continue to believe the lies of the food industry? Remember when margarine was supposed to help the heart? Who profited from that lie? There are still people buying into the “Promise”. Since when is plastic better than butter? Cool whip is nothing but chemicals and yet because it is “Dairy free” people think it is actually better for you than cream. How about “Wheaties—the breakfast of champions”? Processed food has landed us into the obesity pandemic we now experience in this country.
Milk is so processed that our body recognizes it as a toxin and creates so much congestion because it cannot be metabolized. We don’t have enzymes to break down dead food. Most people don’t eat raw vegetables and fruit. Even lightly steamed has some enzymes in it. There are no enzymes in cereal, breads, pasta etc. Try eating something raw with each meal: celery, cucumbers, apples, and even nuts! If you don’t take enzymes to help you break down the nutrients available in the food, you aren’t getting the benefit of that food even if it is organic.
There are a lot of books that talk about our need for enzymes: Enzymes; the Key to Health is a good one. Also, The Enzyme Factor is one I highly recommend. One type of cancer that is escalating is Pancreatic cancer. Dr. Shinya’s success using enzymes to cure this cancer is legendary but the AMA isn’t listening. When was the last time you heard the American Cancer Society recommend taking enzymes with each meal to prevent pancreas distress and eventually cancer? Who would profit by that? They have to come up with some expensive drug as a cure to pay for all the research.
Some of us are questioning exactly what is the truth regarding food and our health. There is definitely a relationship to eating the right food and how it helps our body create a basis for good health—but which food? What is right for you? You could follow the Eat Right for Your Blood Type (if you know what your blood type is). Eating sensible portions as Dr Sears has recommended in his Zone Diet has helped many people with heart conditions to strengthen the vascular system.
Dr Barry Sears has written about Inflammation and reversing the silent epidemic that is destroying our health. He recommends high doses of quality fish oil daily to strengthen the heart. He also states that “Heart Disease has very little to do with Cholesterol and Everything to do with Inflammation.” This concentration on “low fat food” has led this country into the quagmire of obesity it now faces. Some fats are very important for our health! That is a truth you aren’t hearing in all the clamber to get you to reduce cholesterol.
We’ve been told lies about cholesterol causing heart disease. We’ve been given numbers to keep our cholesterol below 200. Is the underlying agenda to sell cholesterol reducing drugs? If cholesterol isn’t the indicator for heart disease, what is? Dr Sears believes it to be inflammation and he isn’t alone in this summation. Inflammation is the key—but what causes it?
What causes you to be upset? Wouldn’t that be inflammatory? How about anger, stress, high stimulant drinks? Yep, they too contribute to inflammation and the biggest addiction of all is sugar. We are all addicted to sugar in some form. We love our cookies, donuts, ice cream and candy. We provide “sugarless” because we are so addicted. This side track of sugar has caused numerous health problems. Just look up the side effects from aspartame.
When we don’t properly digest our food we cause inflammation. So, it isn’t just about eating the wrong food it is also not getting the nutrients necessary for repair and building healthy cells that can contribute to inflammation. How does one measure inflammation in the body? There is a test called C-reactive proteins (CRP). This was a test discovered over 50 years ago. A more sensitive version of inflammatory testing would be the (hs-CRP) which means highly sensitive CRP.
Initial studies indicate that even slightly elevated CRP levels can indicate heart disease. If you are hypertensive (inflammatory condition) or Diabetic (another inflammatory condition) you will automatically register high CRP. So, scientists question the authenticity of such testing. My thoughts are that it is doing exactly what it was intended—telling you that you are inflamed.
So, how about aspirin? Doesn’t it reduce inflammation? Yes, aspirin does reduce inflammation however, long term use of aspirin—no matter how low the dose will cause cells to perforate. This means bleeding. Science has shown us that taking high doses of fish oil in the form of Omega 3 will reduce inflammation without causing perforation.
I take vitamin E—isn’t that the same thing? According to the scientific evidence vitamin E does not reduce inflammation. That is not to say it is bad—it just isn’t going to achieve the anti-inflammatory response that Omega 3 does. The funny thing is –it will lower CRP levels. So, CRP testing by itself isn’t enough. Measuring homeocysteine is a way of testing how the proteins break down. The amino acid Methionine is closely related to the amino acid homeocysteine and both are part of the 20 essential amino acids necessary for proper cell growth. Breaking homeocysteine down into Methionine depends on the presence of B12, B6 and Folic Acid.
Sulfur is one of the basic alkaline minerals that help reduce inflammation in the body. The amino acid Cysteine is sulfur based and is the end cascade of the metabolism of proteins when the right elements are present. Taking a B complex helps in that proper break down and one of the reasons I have found the supplement Nutri Calm to be so important when someone is dealing with stress. It gives the body the vitamins necessary for creating the cascade that supports anti-inflammation in the body as well as herbs that support calm. Another natural calming mineral is Magnesium.
If we need a calcium channel blocker why don’t we just take more magnesium? Magnesium is needed by the heart for proper rhythm and yet medical doctors will put you on medications rather than check magnesium levels to see if you are deficient. The ridiculously low levels submitted by our government as to what is needed to be healthy has prompted the supplement industry to produce a ratio of Calcium to Magnesium supplement contributing to an epidemic of magnesium deficiency. We are not getting the necessary levels of magnesium required by our body.
Farming in the last 50 years has depleted the soil of this important mineral and the only way most of us can get enough to support health is by taking an additional supplement of magnesium. In the health industry Magnesium is known as the relaxing mineral. Low levels can contribute to cardiac arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, chronic fatigue, depression, chronic pain syndromes, irritable bowel syndrome and pulmonary disorders—and yet, medical doctors don’t check for it! Dr. James Balch wrote in his book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing: “low levels of Magnesium is the contributing factor to nearly every chronic disease.”
These myths and truths will be the topic for the next Herbal Hour on March 9th. Health isn’t about luck. It is about daily making choices that promote a healthy body and mind. It is work! It isn’t taking a pill and going on to do more damage by your choices—it’s about making informed choices. Whether you are aware of what you are doing or not—ignorance is not going to make it go away.
Many of my clients know more about their symptoms and conditions because of access to global information via the internet. Information must be sorted as well—what is the source and who will profit from giving you the information? Finding someone who generally cares about your health is a challenge. The first thing is that you have to care more about your health than the person you seek. The decision of what to do with information has to filter through your goals for your health. Come learn about health choices by taking classes that promote health.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com.
If you want to get member prices you need to be sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #609 Insidious
Good Morning!
Have you every purchased or done something and afterwards wondered: what did I do that for? Some say it may be impulse buying, but in most cases it is an insidious message that we received through media or some other influence. You see the ads! Don’t they make everything look easy, better, sexy etc.? We buy by our emotions. It doesn’t matter if it is an item or an idea—we act through our emotions. Some button is triggered and bingo—we’re in.
Teens will be unduly influenced by their peers to act in a way that is counter to their nature—a dare. We all want to be “accepted” and acknowledged. The desire to be included is hard wired into our brains due to our humanness. Community is part of being human. Connecting to other humans is what helps us feel accepted. It’s why we are addicted to emails and text messaging. When our granddaughters were toddlers and they would say Mommy or Daddy or whoever was near, it often wasn’t that they had a question—it was “pinging”. They simply wanted to be acknowledged.
We often will be coerced into taking a medication that is touted as “the answer” to whatever ails us. We look at the ad and say—hey, that’s me. They are addressing my needs. But, if you look at it further and examine all of the details (side effects) you need to realize that perhaps it isn’t what you want. Do you really want to trade your ailment with another ailment or even death? It is much better to examine your experience and ask, why? Why do I have pain—what have I been doing? Eating? Or not doing? Taking responsibility for our experience is the first step in moving toward eliminating what we don’t want and realizing what it is we do want.
Once we have spent our money on something we don’t want, we will have a mental blip that redirects our thoughts. And at this point we’ll either make the decision to return the item or continue the path. At this point we should extend the “pause” and give ourselves enough time to look at the consequences of our decision. When we rush the decision we will often regret the path we took.
Regrets are useless if we continue to beat ourselves up over a decision. Regret is only useful if we heed our feelings. Once we look at the “why” we can go on and either, make better decisions under similar circumstances, or we at least take stock on whether we want this scene in our life. Many people don’t take this time to examine—they just do. It takes training to say to yourself: do I really want this? What would happen if I waited? What would happen if I don’t like it? Most of us make buying decisions too quickly and then have regrets when we make the wrong decision.
Sometimes the decision isn’t about buying but about doing something impulsively. Sometimes impulsiveness can be fun. Spontaneity is exciting. In itself it can add spice to life. It can however, bring us to a scene we wouldn’t want. Choosing how you are going to be spontaneous is probably wise. How many of us do that? More than likely we have made poor choices. We have to get over it before we can move forward.
Sometimes our choices have been poor because we don’t make our own choices. We would rather let others make our choices. This is a two edged sword! One edge is that if something goes wrong we can blame someone else. The other edge is we have low self-esteem. When we do something that makes us proud it boosts self-esteem. Even if it saying a kind word, or sharing a smile. It makes us feel good about ourselves.
If you’ve had struggles making your own decisions, or making poor decisions that you regret, you might find taking the flower essence of Be Response-able helpful. Flower essences work with the vibrations of the body. Our feelings can drag us down. This makes us susceptible to poor decisions, low self-esteem and even lowers our immune system. http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=8783-8
The flower essence Be Response-able helps us to make good decisions. It also helps release painful memories that are insidious messages keeping us stuck in an unproductive and regretful place. This flower remedy has helped many people move forward and take charge of their lives. Let me know if you think it will help you, or how it has helped you!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
ponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #608 Off Label Use
Good Morning!
Did you ever need a screw driver but only had a hammer? If you used the hammer to get a screw out—what do you think would happen. Has that hammer been tested to see how much if any damage it could do because it wasn’t a screw driver? Well, many medications are now being used because in actual use they have had unknown side effects. One such example is a cold medication that caused people to be sleepy. Narcolepsy is on the rise but instead of facing that fact, the drug manufacturers created a “nighttime medicine” that will assist in sleep. No tests on its addictiveness or long term side effects—that’s up to we humans to find out—maybe 10 or more years after huge profits have been raked in.
How about Lipitor—now being used as an anti-inflammatory medication for arthritis? We know that this particular drug robs the body of CoQ10; a very important vitamin necessary for oxygen in every cell of the body. Why don’t we question these medications? Are the doctors that are prescribing them taking the time to check out the side effects and weighing the risk benefit—does the FDA even check these medications out? The answer is no. Who has time? Here is what the FDA is stating: “Statins have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease, and the FDA said the new information should not scare people into stopping taking the drugs.”
Lipitor received FDA approval in 1996. But it wasn’t until 2001 that Pfizer launched a broad marketing and advertising campaign to increase awareness among physicians and consumers. The drug plans allege that Lipitors dramatic spike in sales, “ from $5 billion in 2000 to $12.1 billion in 2005 reflects Pfizers aggressive off-label promotion of the drug during that period.” Pfizer used reps and CME to misrepresent guidelines and limit distribution of unfavorable studies to promote off-label Lipitor use for patients with chronic kidney disease, including those with end-stage renal disease, which represents a substantial potential market. (per: Pharmalot)
Unfortunately there are many medications being used “off-label”: Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor, Cymbalta, etc. Even children are being guinea pigs when proper tests have not determined safety or even efficacy. It is sign of the times when people look to the quick fix instead of trying to understand what is really going on with their body. Is your chronic condition due to your lifestyle? Check out this little quiz:
No matter what your height or build, an increased waistline is a sign that you could be at increased risk of developing serious problems including chronic disease such as some cancers, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Check out the ads for junk food and drinks. We are addicted to unhealthy eating. Some people are waking up to the relationship: what you put in your body is what you get out of it. If you eat low energy foods—you get low energy.
Just like the 3 little pigs. What are you building your house with: straw, sticks or bricks and mortar? High density, nutritious foods will give your body the tools it needs to meet the demands you expect. It isn’t about being 20 anymore. You can be active and pain free through your retirement years if you quit doing things that contribute to inflammation. The question is, are you willing? The side benefits from herbs are eclectic. Herbs have very few if any side effects but they have many side benefits. Herbs are nutritionally dense. People think that Black Cohosh is estrogenic and therefore good for females. The truth is that Black Cohosh is anti-inflammatory and therefore good in many conditions of inflammation. Want to learn more about how herbs can help you live stronger? Come to the Ann Arbor Health Education day on March 16th 2013!
Inflammation is the underlying cause of most chronic conditions: arthritis, Heart disease, Diabetes and even Cancer. Many foods contribute to inflammation—the main one being sugar. As Americans we are addicted to sugar and fast food. This dietary lifestyle is at the base of our obesity problem. Also at the base of the Obesity problem is unresolved emotional issues.
Unresolved emotions trigger poor eating, sabotaging success (relationships, positions, career etc.) and generally poor self-esteem. How we ignore or act upon those emotional triggers depends on a variety of circumstances. The fact is that these emotional triggers can be released so that we can live happy and productive lives. Take the quiz: Let me know how I can help.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #607 Rubber band
Good Morning!
Stress is like a rubber band. This is an interesting philosophy. To deal with stress properly you need to stretch, be flexible, persistent, willing to accept change and you derive your purpose out of helping others. If you are being pulled in too many directions you lose your focus and sense of self. http://www.motivation123.com/news117.txt You also need to feed your body proper fuel. Because unlike a rubber band you have living cells that die and new ones are created all the time—they don’t go into retirement!
A rubber band generally becomes oxidized and will harden or crack. Have you ever gone back to retrieve something you banded together only to find the rubber band broken? Without proper nutrients our body does the same thing. Our body becomes dry, rigid and sometimes we “crack”.
Doctors like to think of it as the aging process. What really is happening is due to a lack of nutrients and/or absorption or utilization of those nutrients. The new cells that are being formed need to have certain ingredients to be healthy. As we age we do lose our ability to digest well. Some people started life with an inability to digest properly. At any age digestion can be supported and the breakdown of usable nutrients improved to make metabolism easier.
If you would like to read more about extending the life of a cell read: Alexis Carrel's Immortal Chick Heart Tissue Cultures (1912—1946). http://embryo.asu.edu/view/embryo:128958 This experiment was done outside the human body. How much better would it be to feed and nurture our cells in an environment that is warm and friendly? Living in a system that would protect it and allow for toxins to be removed would allow that cell to not only live better, but when the time came, could divide and proliferate.
What does it take to feed and nurture cells? Proper nutrients is a good start, but also the ability to eliminate toxic waste is very important to a healthy cell. Cells are also in tuned to vibrations—what kind of vibrations are you providing? Do you allow yourself to be happy? What kind of music do you listen to?
Dorothy Retallack played the music of Led Zeppelin and Vanilla Fudge to a group of beans, squash, Clematis and praktspragle, she also played an innovative, atonal pop music to another group, and, to check, she played nothing of a third group. Within ten days you could see that the plants that had been exposed to Led Zeppelin and Vanilla Fudge all leaned AWAY FROM THE SPEAKER. After three weeks they were shriveled and dying. http://m-edition.com/archives/19
In other experiments plants exposed to classical music grew to be stronger and healthier. I think this is an interesting thing that our vibrations can affect our health—even the music we listen to. What do you do on a daily basis that may be causing you stress and you aren’t even aware of it? It isn’t just about the junk food, lack of water and exercise—it’s the whole package: our life!
We know our relationships (or lack of) can be either supportive or detrimental to our health in both a physical way as well as emotionally. When we have people around us that care about us—we thrive. When we have people around us who put us down, jab at our self-esteem and thoroughly destroy our feeling of self-worth—we whither just like those plants.
How are you dealing with stress? It is known that those people who supplement with vitamins, minerals and herbs that support nervous system health cope with stress much better. Our body can deal with day to day living if we have the right nutrients to expend with those challenges. Nutri Calm is a supplement that does just that—has vitamins, minerals, and herbs that help our body deal with every day stress.
Are you aging gracefully or meeting retirement head on trying to deal with the many medications you are on because of “age related illness”? Doctors believe that anyone past the age of 40 should be on some medication whether it is for blood sugar or for blood pressure. If you are 60 plus you should be on at least 3-4 of these medications. Many of the people who come to see me are on at least 5 medications, and some clients, more. These medications are called lifetime medications. These didn’t even exist 20 years ago. Medications used to be something you took for a short time and then your body caught up and you didn’t need it any more.
Do you realize that many of the so called chronic illnesses are actually due to lack of nutrients? These nutrients aren’t available in our food any longer and therefore can’t prevent or slow the aging process and pain that most people associate with aging. We’ve been told not to eat fat—and yet our brain and hormone production depends on it for health. We have been told many stories about our food choices that are often not true.
We have been seduced into eating empty calorie foods that keep us getting fatter and sicker. Did you check out the ads for the Super Bowl? Most of them were chips, sodas and bad chocolate. The ads are filled with innuendos of “eat this and all your dreams will come true”. There was only one ad that feature a fruit and that was to promote ale. Processed food profits those who sell and manufacture them—not you.
Learn more about how you can use supplements and other natural tools to slow the aging process and prevent some of the so-called age related diseases by attending a class such as the one I’ll be doing on Saturday the 9th of February. Learn about foods that support healthy cells, tissues and systems of the body. Learn how having a good attitude can balance stress. If you can’t come to the class at least take a whole food multi vitamin and mineral supplement such as Super Trio that supports healthier cell production. Learn to be flexible like a rubber band.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150. If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #606 I hear you!
Good Morning!
Who do you listen to? Do you listen to your doctor, the media, your best friend, your spiritual advisor, or do you listen and then examine whether you feel they are right? Some of us don’t totally listen. It is really difficult to focus entirely on the message because our brain automatically picks up not only what we are hearing but everything that is going on in the room as well as what our body is doing and feeling. Have you ever tried to focus on hearing something so you could repeat exactly word for word what was said?
Most of us will interpret the intent of what we heard because memorizing even a one minute commercial is too much information for us to remember exactly. So, what we hear is often a result of what we think we heard based on our interpretation which may be spun by our personal experiences or paradigms. That is why the side effects mentioned in most drug commercials are said at the end of the ad and verbally softer and faster than the actual ad. By then your brain is loaded with how wonderful you will feel when you take such and such.
Do you take everything as fact, or do you research it yourself? Many times when we hear something we misinterpret the information. Our reasoning is often sublimated by our feelings. If we have triggers associated with some information we may not conclude properly. Have you ever mistaken the reality of a situation based on your input? It can often depend on the mood you’re in as to how you receive information. Misinterpretation is more the case than not.
I know that it has happened to me. I have been hurt by words that I misunderstood and perhaps you have to. One must consider the source. If the source is someone who loves us and we know this, we tend to believe the information more than someone who doesn’t seem to care about us. We can justify what was said, or often soften the blow, because we know that person cares about us.
When we feel wronged by someone we trusted, that wrong is more deeply felt. It hurts even more, and then trust becomes a huge issue. When we have trusted someone with our love and that love was not honored, we feel betrayed. This often sets up a feeling of “I’ll never let that happen again”. So, we put a shell around us to protect us. This shell often stops others from loving us so really what happens is we can’t get the love we want because of fear.
The emotional healing essence of Open Heart helps us to let go of the feeling of betrayal and to trust that there are people who care about us and are worthy of that trust. It helps us to love and be loved. Being “hard hearted” affects the circulatory system causing conditions such as irregular heart beat; stiff arteries and poor circulation in general and all the conditions this relates to. Open Heart increases compassion and empathy. This helps us see that others suffer as well—we are not alone in this world. This helps us bond emotionally with others and this is very healing.
Learning information about healing is not “mainstream” media. Healing, according to the media, is not newsworthy. What people gravitate to is the sensational. I personally find healing very sensational (if one can superlative a superlative). I get very excited when my clients are on the mend!
The American Cancer society recently stated that we are “winning the war on cancer”. There have been less deaths due to cancer than there has been in many years. But, what they are not telling you is that there are more people getting cancer than ever before. They just have found more ways to keep you alive longer. Which would you rather have: a slow lingering death or less cancer?
There are many natural ways that are proven to prevent cancer—but you’re not hearing about it because this won’t sell drugs and surgeries that are now escalating to keep people alive longer. Who is profiting from these? Certainly not those going bankrupt to pay for them! I, and many other health minded people, are listening and we hear you—check out some of the proven cancer preventives.
For example, Vitamin D3 levels when low are associated with cancer risk. So, doesn’t it make sense to supplement this important vitamin? We also know that in almost every cancer there is an emotional component that lowers the immune system and allows cancer to grow—doesn’t it make sense to help your body heal emotional triggers? There is a huge body of research showing that increasing Omega 3 EPA can lower not only cancer risk but also heart and circulation concerns.
Here is the big one: starving the cancer supply. Sugar feeds cancer. This doesn’t mean replacing it with the neurotoxin Aspartame—it means for you to eat more whole, nutritionally dense foods instead of prepackaged foods that helps us gain weight and lose energy. Every time we eat food that spikes our insulin levels we are alerting cancer to grow. Controlling leptin levels is very important in your personal war against cancer.
I hear your concerns and hopefully you are listening with your mind and heart as to what you need to do to stay healthy.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click :http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to beSponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #605 BDNF
Good Morning!
Brain Derived Neuropathic Factor is a measure that when low is associated with mental problems such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. In 2004, noted British psychiatric researcher Malcolm Peet published a provocative cross-cultural analysis of the relationship between diet and mental illness. His primary finding was a strong link between high sugar consumption and the risk of both depression and schizophrenia.
When we eat high sugar food it affects the way we think and behave. Perhaps “winter blues” are compounded by the sugar consumption of Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving feasting and then all the cookies at Christmas. The let down in January is us trying to get off of the sugar high we’ve been on for 3 months. Most of us think January as a time for dieting and getting back into shape. One should consider this time not just getting in shape but recovering one’s health.
Sugar consumption not only affects our mood but also triggers a cascade of chemical reactions in your body that promote chronic inflammation. In the long term, inflammation disrupts the normal functioning of your immune system, which is linked to a greater risk of depression. But, if you think that diet drink is any better—think again. Obesity has escalated exponentially since the popularity of diet drinks. Aspartame confuses the leptin response and insulin production contributing to the craving for sweet and insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is linked to a precursor of diabetes. It is also associated with “thickness around the waist”. Other factors that contribute to the inability of the body to use insulin properly is alcohol consumption and certain grains that contain gluten. Many successful diets exclude eating grains and drinking alcohol because you must reset your metabolism.
When I went on such a dietary regimen I also included taking fish oil. The consumption of fish oil does not contribute to weight gain. It does, however, help the brain think better, and makes your skin healthier. I found that by taking two capsules of Omega 3 EPA each day I was able to still maintain weight loss while I was burning stored fat and I was replacing it with good fat that could be utilized for energy and healthy cell production.
If you are on a diet and want to maintain energy and healthy brain activity try taking the Super Trio—it contains a wonderful food grade vitamin and mineral supplement, an Omega 3 EPA and a high antioxidant that helps the body fight inflammatory responses. One of the big concerns with most diet regimens is the maintenance of healthy energy levels. If your energy is low it usually means your metabolism is low. Boosting metabolism with natural supports like 7 Keto or herbs like guarana will help you lose weight faster.
Recently I gave a class on health drinks. I have posted the recipes for you and hope you will try them or add you own unique ingredients for health. http://www.bornforhealth.com/focussupplement.html I have found one of the simple quick breakfast foods is add a half of a stick of Solstic powder to 8 oz of yogurt. This is very low in calorie and yet high in nutrition. If you want a little more protein add 5-6 almonds or walnuts. I’ve also added Ultimate Greenzone as a great addition for more nutritional zip along with the Solstic. Ultimate Greenzone is a balanced green powder that can be made into a drink or added as I do to yogurt. It is rich in minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients.
There are many healthy answers to getting control of the weight you should be. Let NSP help you in feeling and being healthy with lots of energy to do all that you want to do throughout your day. Protect your brain and nervous system by giving it lots of B vitamins and herbs that help the body deal with the stress each and every one of us deals with in our busy lives. I love the supplement Nutri Calm. It has a wonderful complex of B vitamins, herbs that support nervous system health and minerals that support relaxation yet does not compromise energy.
If you need help figuring out what is best for your particular needs, see a qualified Herb Specialist or call for an appointment. I’ll be happy to help guide you with healthy suggestions. Maybe you have some emotional triggers that are stopping you from doing what you know is right—that too can be helped with natural methods. Our emotional healing essences have helped many people jump the emotional hurdles that have been compromising not only their health but also their happiness.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #604 SODDI
Good Morning!
Some Other Dude Did It! It seems as if it is easier to blame someone else when life isn’t going as we want it to. We can blame the economy, the government, our boss, our friends and relatives –it all seems easier than accepting the fact that WE did it and not someone or something else. I see this all the time when people are depressed and anxious.
Oftentimes people feel they need to put the happiness of others above their own happiness. They need to please those whom they care about so that they will receive love and appreciation from that person in return. What generally happens is that they direct their pleasing to someone who has no idea of appreciation. It becomes discouraging to constantly try to please someone who cannot be pleased. There are those people who simply are so miserable that they cannot appreciate kindness and love. They will suck you dry if you keep trying to please them by ignoring your own needs.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be kind or loving. I am saying that it is two way. When you share kindness and love you should expect appreciation and thoughtfulness in return. If you continually give and don’t receive you feel taken advantage of. Occasionally you may want to be kind without any expectations of return kindness. This should not be the relationship between two people who love each other. When you love selflessly, it isn’t about giving up yourself—it’s about knowing what the other person enjoys and happily giving them that and then they do the same. One sided love never works.
It is better to give than to receive. But, if you cannot show appreciation when someone gives you something, you need to examine where that comes from. Do you feel unworthy? Why? When offered a gift you should think of the giver. What did it cost them in time and thought to bring the gift to you? What is the intent behind the gift—is it a show of love and appreciation on their part? And wouldn’t your acceptance be a gift to them.
With our decisions and actions come consequences; even when we want to put the blame on someone else, there are consequences. Sometimes we don’t want to believe that we can do wrong, or make mistakes. But, we are human and in the very nature of being human we can be misguided and not listen to our inner guidance. The media can be very persuasive even when it is counter to common sense. Marketing targets our emotional needs and makes us think that by purchasing whatever they are promoting we will buy happiness or love.
When we make a mistake we not only want to learn from it but to forgive ourselves and others for the circumstances that surround that mistake. Forgiveness helps us to move on and evaluate what went wrong so we don’t make that mistake again. Forgiveness can be easy when it is a small discretion but when things really hurt us or interrupt our happiness it is more difficult. There are whole workshops on forgiveness and if you find this difficult, maybe taking a class or two would help you to move on. It is my opinion that when we hold blame inside of us we nurture the wrong and continue to be unhappy.
Americans are dealing with a health crisis. We think that if we catch a cold—it’s because someone else gave it to us. Our health really is not dependent on someone else and it certainly isn’t going to improve simply by taking an occasional supplement or getting the flu vaccine. We don’t catch a condition—we earn it. We accept it because we have wronged the health of the body by our choices. When we are children we have this false idea that “it won’t happen to me”. We can do all kinds of daring things and won’t get hurt by them.
This misconception should be balanced by logic. The daring part of us does help us to push past our fears and often helps us attain goals we might have been told couldn’t be reached. However, when we dare to achieve goals it is important to balance daring with research and mentors that can help us achieve our goals. When we make a decision based on the advice of others, we need to make sure it feels right, otherwise we end up wanting to blame others when we fail. When we involve our feelings and are in tune to the feeling of rightness we can accomplish all kinds of seemingly impossible feats.
Accepting responsibility for keeping our immune system healthy is a daily and sometime more often task. When you are feeling sick ask yourself: what have I been feeding my body; how much water have I been drinking; how much sleep; am I exercising and thinking about healthy things—am I enjoying supportive relationships?
Don’t get caught up in “the Blame Game”. When you let others be responsible for you then you give up control over your life and happiness. This ruins your self-esteem. Take responsibility and don’t let others control you. When you achieve a goal make sure it was what you wanted, and that the decision to pursue it was yours. If you succeed or not--it is your doing! Take pride in your achievements and when things don’t go as planned, ask yourself—what could I have done differently; and learn from it. When you succeed, allow yourself to steep in the joy of accomplishment knowing that you did it! You are responsible for your failures as well as your successes. You can acknowledge those who helped along the way but it was your decision to proceed.
Do you have trouble accepting not only appreciation, but wrong doing, than perhaps taking stock of how you can get more control over your decisions should be examined. Do you tend to blame others when things go wrong? Do you feel helpless? Do you fear challenge? If these are a problem, try the flower essence of Be Response-able. This remedy helps you take charge of your life and to feel good about your decisions. It can be helpful for compulsive actions that are counter to choices that would make you happy and successful.
What do you want to achieve? Who can help you toward that goal? What steps do you need to take to accomplish it? What would the end result look like? How will you feel when you accomplish it?
Go For It! Don’t let Some Other Dude Do It!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #603 Dreamer
Good Morning!
Is Elton John “the only one”? People who consider themselves “realistic” actually consider dreamers as those who don’t see reality. Well, here’s a thought: You create your own reality! Wow—do you mean that the media doesn’t create our reality? Think of a world without TV, computers, or even those old fashioned venues of radio and newsprint. Who would influence your day to day decisions? YOU!
We are in the “Information Age” and that means both false and true. If you listen to the news, or watch it on your monitor, you are given mostly bad. Do you really need to know what is happening half way around the world? Some people need to pay more attention to their own lives and the control they have over it. How much control do you have over what is happening half way around the world.
If we cannot act on what upsets us, we feel impotent. We feel out of control. This leads to frustration which then leads to anxiety. So, we live our lives in fear and anxiety because we haven’t any control over it. This is not true. You should focus on what you do have control over and the first thing is: do you really need to know what is happening half way around the world?
The second is: if you choose to want to know what is happening and know that ultimately you have no power over the actions of others, can you just forget about it? This is the part two that most people who seek to know worldly matters don’t realize. Everything has an effect on you. Your thoughts send messages to the hormone producers (neurotransmitters) of your brain. And your body is sending those hormones out to deal with the thoughts—fight or flight?
The hormone request goes to the Adrenal glands and comes out as epinephrine and norepinephrine. Along with those hormones is Cortisol. You can learn more about how the adrenal glands send messengers to other organs in the class I did on Anger. Anxiety, Anger and Depression are emotions that are affiliated with the Liver. We flow through these emotions when certain triggers present themselves. Keeping the liver healthy with Milk Thistle is one way to detoxify stored emotions while strengthening the liver.
The tough part about receiving information is determining how much of the information really is important for us to know and how much of it is actually toxic to our health. So information gathering is not bad in itself; it is what you do with that information that can determine if it benefits you, or if it makes you sick. Some information is useless for our day to day living and yet we hang on to it in case we may need it in the future.
Deciphering information is energy draining—it involves thousands of decisions we have to make on a daily basis. Can you spell S-T-R-E-S-S? Do you really need to have more decisions to make? We already make thousands of decisions each day. If we aren’t giving our body the nutrients needed to supply energy and support the nervous system, we cannot make good decisions. Do poor decisions make you unhappy? Do you learn from them and then go on; or do you hang on to them and see who you can blame for your life’s situation?
Take a deep breath and just let go of all the harmful thoughts in your head. Fill your head with dreams—what would life be like if….. ? Fill in the dots. What would it feel like if you had someone who cares about you? What would it feel like if you laid your head down on your pillow at night and could empty your thoughts like a pitcher of water? What would it feel like if all your bills were paid and you had no financial stress? This type of dreaming is actually very productive. The actions we perform first come from the emotions we feel. If you don’t like your actions—change your emotions.
January is a month of new beginnings. As Mary Poppins told us:
Anything can happen if you let it Life is out there waiting so go and get it Grab it by the collar, seize it by the scruff Once you've started living life you just can't get enough
What would your day be like if you ignored the press—listened to recordings of your favorite music and imagined a world where we live as one—wishing Joy and Health to all! Happy 2013.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
lick on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments