This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link --most are recorded and available at your convenience. Check the Educational tab for selections. Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #625 Turmeric vs. Curcumin
Good Morning!
There has been a lot of press lately about the benefits of these two and I thought I might help clear up any misunderstandings. Turmeric is a root that is bright yellow and is part of what is in curry and used often in Middle Eastern dishes. It is in the same family of plants as ginger. It is a warm and pungent herb. It is beneficial in helping blood flow properly as is ginger. It also has some antioxidant properties that have been found to be supportive in keeping proper inflammatory responses within normal range.
I don’t know about you but there is no way I’d want to eat the amount of turmeric needed in order to get the results of what is showing in scientific studies. I don’t want to eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner. I love a variety of food and tastes. I’d get tired of the taste of curry in about a week if I had to eat nothing but it. So, if you are like me and you want the benefits of what the studies show are possible, I will go for the supplement.
Before NSP came out with the Curcumin product, some of my clients were taking supplements from other companies, some of them said it was very expensive and they would often have difficulty digesting it. The studies show that Curcumin is very difficult to digest and metabolize. It is recommended that an extract of Black Pepper be added to the product for easy digestion and better absorption. NSP has done that. I had some people say they would burp up clouds of yellow powder when using other products. The other concern is does the manufacturer have the amount of curcuminoids in the product that the studies were done on?
Here is another thing: Turmeric is low in curcumin. In order to get the medicinal benefits studies have shown the curcumin must be extracted out of the turmeric to arrive at 95% curcuminoids. Most studies have been done on 500mg. NSP has made sure that each capsule is 550mg at 95% standardized extract from whole turmeric as mentioned by Dr. Weil. You would have to eat pounds of turmeric to get enough curcuminoids to compare with that used in the studies showing the benefits of this herb in anti-inflammatory issues.
My husband and I were very excited to check this product out. As soon as we got our supply, my husband who had been having stiff and weak thumbs for quite some time, decided to go with the recommendation of 3 capsules twice daily for a month. He was quite impressed and seemed to notice measurable improvement within the 3rd week. It has now been over 6 weeks and he is down to 2 twice a day. His thumbs hardly hurt and are much stronger with a wider range of motion.
My story is that my right arm had restricted range of motion. When lying on my back I could not rest my arm at an angle at the side of my body with the hand next to my ear. I can now do that without a problem. I also had a hard time hooking my bra. When I brought my arm back it was painful the whole time it was in that position. I now can reach behind my back and hold each elbow with my hands without any discomfort.
Along with the dosage recommended above, it is also recommended to take the product with 1000mg of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Since both my husband and I do take this on a regular basis, it wasn’t something I added. If you take Super Trio then you are already taking the recommended oil to make the Curcumin product absorb and be utilized most effectively.
How much do you hurt? Are you limited in range of motion? Now is the time to test this product. I only recommend Curcumin BP from Nature’s Sunshine because of the extreme testing procedures these herbs go through in all phases of manufacturing to make sure you get the purest quality and at the recommended scientifically proven dosage.
Many of the studies show that even people with auto immune conditions can see reduction in pain and inflammation. Lab studies have also shown that curcumin induces programmed death of colon cancer cells, and clinical trials are investigating the use of curcumin in treatment of colon cancer. Turmeric extract worked as well as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee in a study published in the August 2009 issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Nature’s Sunshine has Turmeric in many of the antioxidant products they manufacture such as Super ORAC. It is beneficial but if you want measurable results, it is best to take a high power product that is based on the scientific studies. Take it as recommended for one month and find out for yourself if you aren’t healthier and have better range of motion with less or no pain.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #624 You are My Sunshine…
Good Morning!
My only Sunshine—you make me happy. Sunshine does help most of us feel better. There are many studies that show a relationship between depression and the lack of sunshine. There are other studies that show most people are deficient in Vitamin D which we get from being in the sun. We’ve been told for years that we need to protect ourselves from the sun and how bad it is. This is not totally true. We need some sunshine in order to absorb vitamin D.
Vitamin D from the sun goes through several processes before it can be utilized by the body: http://health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/information/anatomy/skin-produce-vitamins.htm
Not everyone does a good job of this conversion process. The best is to have your doctor test your for Vitamin D levels. Many doctors now know the importance of this nutrient and will know what you are talking about.
The most important factor is your vitamin D serum level, which should ideally be between 50-70 ng/ml. When taking an oral vitamin D supplement, you should take enough to reach and maintain this therapeutic level. As a generic guideline, adults need to take about 8,000 IU’s a day to reach this level. Although I have found that most adults can raise their D levels within a month by simply taking 2 Vitamin D3 tablets from Nature’s Sunshine (this amounts to only 4000 IU).
The best time to take Vitamin D is in the morning. Think of it as when the sun rises. If you are taking a Calcium supplement you should take it away from the concentrated D formula. Although you need vitamin D and Magnesium for Calcium absorption, too much D will keep Calcium in solution and not allow it to get into the bone where it is needed. I feel the best time to take a calcium supplement is in the evening. Studies show that taking calcium at dinner or before bed will enhance sleep.
(Natural News) Many in the medical profession are beginning to recognize that people who take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are becoming vitamin D-deficient. Cholesterol is required by the body to synthesize vitamin D and statin drugs are responsible for eliminating it, leading many to speculate that statin drug users do not have enough cholesterol to process vitamin D.
So, for some people it is important to supplement with a natural source of Vitamin D3 that is easily absorbed. This is why I love Nature’s Sunshine. I can trust that the supplements I buy from Sunshine will be pure and better than organic. They will have been tested many times to make sure there are no contaminants and that they are consistently the right dosage according to scientific studies.
Obviously too much sun is not good and putting protection on is important if you have to be outdoors for any length of time. You can create a non-toxic sunscreen with some basic ingredients—Like Coconut oil; NSP’s Golden Salve, Zinc Oxide and Lavender Essential Oil. Take the first two ingredients (1/2 cup of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of Golden Salve and melt it in a double boiler), when they have melted take the pan off the heat and start gently whisking in 1 Tablespoon of Zinc Oxide (can be purchased in most drug stores). After the mixture is blended well add about 5 drops of Lavender Essential oil. Lavender is a skin conditioner and tissue healer. This recipe makes a nice creamy sunscreen that is totally natural and about a 25 SPF.
Since we can’t count on a daily supply of vitamin D it is great to have the option of taking an oral supplementation. It is best if you take Vitamin D3 with Omega oil for best absorption. There is much evidence that D3 can process quickly in the presence of Omega 3 as at this stage it is processed in the liver and then goes to the kidneys for final metabolism.
Healthy amounts of vitamin D have been associated with protection from not only depression and anxiety but cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and many other conditions that depend on the presence of this important vitamin. The vitamin D that is in milk is vitamin D2 and is not natural but synthetic. This form of vitamin D can actually be harmful. Drisdol is a synthetic form of vitamin D2—made by irradiating fungus and plant matter—and is the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors and is included in Dairy products.
Enjoy the summer ahead—watch for more news on natural remedies like: food poisoning; bites and sting solutions and protection against the summer cold.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #623 Fresh is Best
Good Morning!
Is there anything as tasty as a fresh picked tomato? The difference between a home grown tomato and one that you buy in the store in the winter is like night and day. Tomatoes are one of the most popular foods grown. It is so satisfying to pick and eat these juicy globes. They come in sizes that you can pop right into your mouth or ones the whole family can feast on just one. Whatever your favorite is; I hope it is grown without pesticides and fertilizer. There are many ways to help tomatoes grow healthy from good soil to sea weed fertilizer. I use tea tree essential oil (about 5 drops) to a quart of water and add a teaspoon of Nature’s Sunshine’s Enzyme Spray. This is an extremely effective anti-pest spray. The tea tree keeps root rot away. I spray them about twice a month and if there has been excessive rain I’ll spray them to keep away mold.
Fresh veggies are loaded with antioxidants. They absorb the sun’s rays and we in turn absorb the goodness by eating the vegetable. If it is a root vegetable the top absorbs the sun sending the goodness into the root. If the soil has little nutrients in it for the root system to uptake; the food will have little flavor and less nutritional value. Many commercially grown vegetables are grown in soil that has been robbed on its nutrient capacity by farming methods. I once read a book: Empty Harvest.
This book explained how minerals in the soil are formed from the castings of earth worms. The worms eat small rocks and digest them. What they leave behind is full of minerals and the small roots of the plants take up that nutrition to make it grow. Commercial fertilizers like Miracle-Gro are not natural fertilizers. Natural fertilizers include sea weed sprays and compost. You can take your trimmings from vegetables and fruit, egg shells and dig a hole and cover it well with dirt and let Mother Nature handle the rest. This is the easy way. There are actual composting bins you can add your grass and a heat source you can buy and make fertilizer that way.
Manure is used to heat the compost because it is high in nitrogen. It is best not to use manure from an animal such as cat or dog. The best way to handle it is get some from a pet store—they will give you rabbit poop for nothing. Here is a website for making manure tea: http://organicgardening.about.com/od/compost/f/What-Is-Manure-Tea-And-How-Do-I-Use-It-In-My-Garden.htm This is inexpensive and very effective fertilizer. This is not sprayed on the delicate foliage as you want to feed the roots of the plant. It is also not used for root crops.
Eating food you’ve grown is very satisfying. If you don’t have a garden, try growing sprouts. They are fast growing and very good for you. All you need is some alfalfa seeds and a mason jar. Every morning before you go to work, just rinse the seeds and make sure you drain them well. I don’t put them in direct sunlight until about the 3rd or 4th day. Little tails will form after the second day. Radish seeds make a very tangy sprout and so do broccoli. Some more adventurous are mung and pea seeds.
The amount of antioxidants available in fresh picked verses the hot house variety of tomatoes is huge. Compare the bright colors and you’ll see the difference in benefit as well as taste. Eating the Rainbow of colors has been well quoted as a healthy way to eat. Eating foods that have yellow color will have different antioxidants compared to the purple or blue foods. I like to add flower petals for extra antioxidants. Chive flowers, nasturtium, violets etc. are ways to get those rainbow colors into your diet in a salad and they look very pretty in the salad.
Recently I posted the recipe along with pictures of a dandelion quiche I made using fresh picked dandelion leaves. http://www.flickr.com/photos/95844319@N05/9008402640/ I eat my weeds whenever possible. My lawn is quite filled with dandelions, violets and many other herbs many people consider weeds. I don’t spray or discourage them. You may not like the look and that’s okay. Luckily I live in a neighborhood where pristine lawns are not the thing.
Antioxidants can be equated to anti-aging elements. Our body is constantly aging and cells are breaking down. Having a Botox injection is not going to change that. The only way you can slow aging down is to make sure you eat plenty of antioxidants and plenty of colors!
When something has been canned, it has been cooked and therefor has lost some of the valuable nutrients it had when it was raw. The longer something sits around before you consume it, it too is losing nutrients. If you cut open an apple and sprinkle lemon juice on it you can slow the browning that occurs due to oxidation. You can’t totally stop it but you can slow it down. Our body is like that apple and antioxidants are like the lemon juice. Eating a variety of colorful fruits and veggies will make sure you get what you need.
I still feel that nobody can eat as many antioxidants as they need to slow the aging process so I recommend you supplement. Every morning I take an ounce of Thai Go and that gives me reds, purple and blue antioxidants along with apple. I also take Curcumin which gives me the yellow and orange antioxidants. If you take Super Trio you are taking Super ORAC which is a great many colored antioxidant supplement.
ORAC is a way that antioxidants are measured. Some herbs and spices measure way above foods like oranges or grapes. For example, ground cinnamon has an ORAC value of 350,000 whereas dark chocolate is only about 50,000. Curry powder is only about 50,000 but Curcumin is about 250,000 in ORAC value. If you have inflammation you need antioxidants; if you have pain –you need antioxidants. The easiest way to insure you’re getting a variety is by taking the Super Trio twice a day. Keep enjoying your colorful diet and eat home grown or organic whenever you can.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #622 When you least expect it!
Good Morning!
You’re going along dealing with life and then bang! Something happens to tilt your world. It can be a minor irritation such as a cold or the flu; or it can be a major thing like a tornado. It can mean a few days off of work and missing a few events, or it can mean being out of work and wondering how to feed the family. Life is not smooth and the more flexible one is, the easier you can snap back.
We once had a Willow growing by the lake. Almost every other year a strong wind or storm would knock that willow down. We had someone come and start trimming off the top and the next thing we knew that willow righted itself and started growing again. The roots sought water and because of the lake it wasn’t deeply rooted. It only took a little weight being lifted off of the top and like a spring it came popping back up. Knowing what one needs to survive is often helpful; In the case of the willow—water and sunshine.
How do you deal with a crisis? There are basically 3 ways: first you freeze (this helps you evaluate what can be done and what can’t); then you take action in either a “get out of here” or face the situation. Having on hand tools that help in an emergency will determine how fast you get back to normal. Deciding what is really important in a crisis is also helpful.
Family or friends can be a tool to help in a crisis; having a clear head that can organize the situation and determine what is needed right now is also important. Some people flee in their minds. They can’t deal with the crisis so they shut down like the situation never occurred. This is a survival mechanism our brain does. It knows how much we can take and how much we can’t. Taking a deep breath and evaluating what is important to you at the time of a crisis such as: you’re alive; have you basic survival needs: water, roof over your head, food to eat etc. Then you look for comfort.
Having good health is important when you have to deal with a crisis. A person can think more clearly when they aren’t in pain; or when movement is hampered. As we age our ability to be flexible and sharp during a crisis is hindered by poor health. I think taking supplements, in addition to eating a healthy diet; getting a good amount of exercise, as well as, good sleep are what help you prepare for a crisis. The healthier a person is; the more chance they have during a crisis to survive.
If you are on medications to keep you alive, you need to make sure you have a good supply handy in case of emergency. I personally don’t take medications but I make sure I have herbal supplements on hand that help in case of an emergency. After the class I give each month we have been building a first aid kit based on natural medicine. We’ve already discussed many emergency situations such as bites and stings; poison ivy or other plants; colds and flu; pain relief and shock. This month I’ll be sharing some summer time emergencies: food poisoning; sun burn and even throw in natural bug sprays for plants.
Nobody likes to think about a crisis happening, but they do. The healthier you are in mind and body the better you will be able to handle the curve balls life throws you. There are classes available on line and live that you can attend to help you prepare for emergencies. In the Fall, NSP will be presenting an all-day class of Health Education. Hold November 9th as a day of learning if you live in the lower part of Michigan or upper part of Ohio. This class will give you some tips on how you can deal naturally with emergencies; understanding weight management; Flower Essences and their emotional support; Children’s Health; and Essential Oils used daily for better health. The cost is only $35. And that includes a workbook. The location will be in the Southfield/Pontiac area. I’ll keep you posted but mark your calendar to attend.
Learn some health tips by coming to the class on Saturday regarding Free Radical Damage. How important antioxidants are, especially during a crisis. The more you know, the less apt you will panic. Learning some simple techniques can help you keep your head and survive better.
Recently I experienced a flooded basement. The mold and emotional trauma left me with an upper respiratory situation. I also hurt my back. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have about natural products and their use. I have used essential oils, herbal supplements and many other techniques along with Chiropractic care.
We are blessed to have a loving family who is willing to drop what they are doing to help us deal with our crisis. My son, Bryan, his wife, Carol and our two granddaughters came over and helped us bail out the basement. The fact that we are healthy and active is a plus in dealing with the crisis. We certainly didn’t pick this challenge and I’m sure you haven’t picked any you’ve been dealt. The fact that they happen is evident. I urge you to learn more about how you can take control of your health.
Health emergencies also happen. Accidents, falls, infection all happen when you least expect them. How well you deal with them depends on your present health and what you know to do in case of such an emergency.
Pick a class, or take all of them and learn how you can deal with crisis management better. Put some common sense ideas in your tool box along with some natural remedies. The next challenge you are faced with will go a lot easier if you know what to do. Unfortunately, things happen when you least expect them—take a deep breath and implement what you know.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #621 Parched
Good Morning!
We’ve had some unusually warm weather and if you have been working outside for any length of time—you feel parched. As the body temperature rises we sweat to alleviate the heat from the inside. This process is called thermoregulation and our body does it naturally. We automatically create goose bumps to keep warm and perspire to keep cool. The problem is that when we sweat we also loose moisture and become parched.
Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you stop drinking water or lose large amounts of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, or exercise. Working outside in the heat and not properly hydrating can cause heat stroke. Heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs. Although heat stroke mainly affects people over age 50, it also takes a toll on healthy young athletes.
Fainting may be the first sign of heat stroke, or also known as sunstroke, or any of the following: Throbbing headache; Dizziness and light-headedness; Lack of sweating despite the heat; Red, hot, and dry skin; Muscle weakness or cramps; Nausea and vomiting; Rapid heartbeat, which may be either strong or weak; Rapid, shallow breathing; Behavioral changes such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering; Seizures or Unconsciousness. 911 should be called and while you are waiting for them to arrive you should apply cool wet cloths to the forehead to reduce the brain’s heat.
My daughter in law used to wet our grandbabies’ hats to keep the head cool during hot days in the sun. The moisture of the wet hat will help keep the brain from getting too hot. Adults can wrap a wet cloth around their neck. We have bands that are filled with moisture absorbing beads that when soaked puff up and keep wet for about two hours. This helps to keep you cool. You can also add these beads to your plant’s dirt and the need to water will be less. http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Desert-Camo-MiraCool-Bandanna/dp/B002MEMK5A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369061290&sr=8-1&keywords=neck+bands+with+water+beads
Some people will try to rehydrate the body with drinks that actually dehydrate the cells. Some scientists have shown that a beer after strenuous exercise can actually have a beneficial effect. That was a beer not a six pack. Alcohol can actually have a diuretic effect on the body contributing to fluid loss. Coffee and tea are dehydrating according to some experts but others say that it isn’t. They may quench thirst but thirst is only a signal that the body is dehydrated. There has never been any question regarding water as being the ideal to help hydrate the body. According to “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Dr. Batmanghelidj, many illnesses are due to dehydration.
How much should you be drinking? The general consensus according to health enthusiasts is that one should drink half your weight in ounces of water (not to exceed 100 ounces). This does not include drinks such as coffee, tea etc. The water can be herbal teas or added lemon/lime juice. I love the Sunshine line of Solstic powders that add minerals or other nutrients to the water so you can rehydrate and nourish at the same time. Solstic Revive is especially good to rehydrate with after strenuous exercise or working in the heat. It provides the body with electrolytes, amino acids and vital nutrients so that you don’t lose energy from the muscles. It helps to increase energy and stamina. There is no sugar to harm blood sugar balance. It is sweetened with stevia and natural fruit flavors from grape and pomegranate.
What happens when our cells can’t hydrate properly? Cells become old before their time. One of the ways to make water get to the cell is to use something that reduces surface tension. Here is a drink that is pleasing and helpful for hydrating at a cell level: One quart of water, One tablespoon of NSP’s Thai Go and One tablespoon of lemon juice. This combination will keep you going and hydrate at a cell level. Once your work is done treat yourself to a Solstic Energy drink and maybe you’ll feel energetic enough to party.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #620 Resilience
Good Morning!
Last week I wrote about Arthritis which basically is the lack of resilience. The Web definition for Resilience is the physical property of a material that can return to its original shape or position after deformation that does not exceed its elastic limit. Think of a rubber band—stretch it too far and it will have gone past its ability to stretch and break. If the rubber is old; it may crack or break as soon as you use it.
What do you define as your limit? Did you define it, or did someone else set your limitation? Sometimes as children we hear, “you aren’t good at…” and we believe that voice. Sometimes we continue to hear that opinion and it colors our ability to change or do what our passion drives us to do. So, our heart is going in one direction while our head is driving us in a different direction. How does one resolve this?
Emotional healing has done some marvelous things in this area. Sometimes we aren’t even aware that someone is running our happiness. We’ve played “the tape” so often we think it is ours. Maybe it’s time to expunge that voice in our head. If you don’t recognize that something is driving your happiness—Distress Remedy will help you get centered and to focus on what it is you are passionate about and what is stopping you from achieving that.
Taking the Emotional Healing quiz available on my website: http://www.bornforhealth.com/clientinfoaboutmehome/home.html will only take a few minutes. Be totally honest with your answers. If you can’t answer any of them—perhaps you need to take Distress Remedy just to cut through to your feelings. Others have been in the driver seat for so long you don’t even know yourself.
A human’s ability to “spring back” has a lot to do with how far one has stretched and the encouragement one receives to normalize. This encouragement can be from other humans, spirituality, nutrition etc. The more support, the merrier, in the case of resilience. If you have a loving family, that can certainly help you heal faster. If you add that to nutritional support and emotional healing essences and/or essential oils; you have a winning team.
How resilient are you? Do you get sick often? How long does it take for you to get better? Do you know what tools help you to regain balance? Taking health classes teach you how to be resilient. Each month I teach a live class in Berkley about different health conditions. This past Saturday the class was focusing on Pain. If you would like the handouts for the class, just email me and I will send them to you. Pain and inflammation are synonymous. Inflammation can be due to either a physical or emotional trauma and it can also be a biological trauma such as an infection. We can have physical trauma due to severe weather.
The recent cold weather has been challenging for young plants. If you covered them—the frost didn’t do any damage. If left out in the elements, the frost may have damaged this years’ crop. However, trees are resilient! Next year they will do it all over again. Can you? Can you snap back from health challenges? Learning some tools on how to address trauma within the first half hour will determine how long you have to deal with the result of that trauma.
If you bang your body—you don’t have to have a bruise! I have proven this to myself and others. Your automatic response to a bump is to rub the injured area. The problem is you don’t rub long enough to prevent congestion. You won’t spend the necessary time to help the body so blood congests and bruising occurs. If you can get enough circulation going to the site you can assist the body in a variety of ways.
First, the immune system is alerted and it sends out messengers that help in the clotting process if there is bleeding. These clotting factors are needed to wall up the area so that you don’t lose a lot of blood. If the injury has damaged a lot of tissue blood and lymph flood the area bringing with it a multitude of specific nutrients and support elements. The immune system has a whole cascade of cells that clean up damaged tissue; prevent invasion of microbes to the area; assist with clotting and setting up repair mechanisms.
When too many “ambulances” arrive on the scene and a person has poor circulation it creates congestion. The dead cells cannot be carried away from the injured area—new messengers can’t get to the site and inflammation occurs. Rubbing the area until you feel no more heat will actually do more than just applying ice. Ice will slow the process down but rubbing will increase circulation and therefore increase the healing cascade set in motion by the immune system. When you get tired of rubbing then it is a good idea to use the ice.
I have prevented further injury from bumps, burns and sprains by doing this rubbing method followed by ice. And in every case—the injury has healed in at least half the time! In most cases I never got a bruise or blister. When there are cuts that have broken the skin—first apply pressure until the bleeding is contained. This pressure stops the congestion by not allowing too many ambulances into the area. It is sort of like roping off the area until immediate repair has occurred. After the bleeding has subsided and contained with bandaging. I usually will spray my natural antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory spray on it before bandaging –or at least spray Silver Shield on it to facilitate the healing of tissue.
Then go to the rubbing followed by ice stage. Being proactive in your healing will save you time, money and especially, further pain. If you know how to act in an emergency, you can often save yourself time lost from work and money paid out in doctor’s expenses and emergency care. I’m not saying you shouldn’t pursue medical attention. But, if you know a few simple techniques to do while you are waiting for an ambulance or while someone is taking you to an emergency clinic, you will be far better off than trying to ignore the injury; or worse yet, numbing the body and slowing the health response down.
I haven’t used an aspirin or other NSAID in over 15 years. I’ve only used natural remedies such as those found in IF Relief or Relief Formula. For thousands of years people have used willow bark to help with the pain of inflammation. Aspirin is not willow bark! Aspirin is a drug made from coal tar. Here’s an interesting experiment that Dr. Jensen used to show people about aspirin: Take a metal spoon that you don’t care about because it will be ruined at the end of the experiment. You will also need a candle that you light. Put an aspirin in the metal spoon and hold it over the lit candle. In a few moments the heat of the candle will warm the spoon (much like the heat of your body does to the aspirin). In a short time the aspirin will begin to breakdown and smoke. The smell is atrocious! It then becomes a black sticky mess that you cannot get off of the spoon. That is coal tar. The main ingredient in aspirin is coal tar. Do you really want to take one of these daily?
The blatant advice of taking a “baby” aspirin daily to prevent heart attacks is being re-thought. There is an incredible link to leaky gut and microbial invasion due to drugs that can have adverse effects on the mucosal lining such as aspirin and aspirin-like medication. There is also evidence that it only takes a “weak wall” of the brains vascular system for a stroke to happen. http://www.aspree.org/AUS/aspree-content/aspirin/aspirin-pros-cons.aspx If you think about the term, “baby” aspirin you would understand the fallacy. One would never give aspirin to a baby because it could cause Reye’s Syndrome: Reye's affects all the organs of the body but causes the gravest harm to the liver and the brain. If left untreated, the disease can quickly lead to liver failure, brain damage, and even death.
There have never been any long term tests to prove that aspirin is safe to take on a daily basis. There have been rises in problems associated with leaky gut that can affect the ability of the body to get nutrition where it needs to go; a weakened immune response and cardiovascular concerns. What would be more effective in preventing heart disease is some of the health recommendations such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and rest; drinking water and taking supplements such as Omega 3; antioxidants; Magnesium and helpful herbs that increase circulation like Capsicum, Garlic and Hawthorne. These do not cause harmful side effects.
Do you have the energy you need to accomplish your daily tasks and enjoyments? Perhaps you aren’t getting the nutrition you need to produce that energy. Taking enzymes on a daily basis helps your body break down nutrients so that the cells can produce energy. A health routine that would help you become more resilient is: Super Trio (containing Omega 3; Antioxidants in Super Orac and a whole food Vitamin/Mineral Supplement to feed your body what isn’t available in the food you eat) and Digestive Enzymes in either Food Enzymes or Proactazyme Plus. These will help to optimize your nutrient support and give the body what it needs to heal quickly.
Be proactive and become more resilient. If you don’t know your particular needs, contact me.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #619 Arthritis
Good Morning!
About 50 million people suffer pain from Arthritis and some of it is needless. Arthritis is separated into two major categories. One is Osteoarthritis which pertains to joints such as knees, fingers and toes. Rheumatoid arthritis is actually an auto immune condition where the body starts to break down due to misinformation. Let’s first talk about Osteoarthritis.
Let’s take the word apart: Osteo—bone; itis—inflammation and arthron is Greek for joint. Every time you see itis at the end of a word it means inflammation of. Sinusitis is inflammation of the Sinuses; bursitis is inflammation of the Bursa. So, if you go into the doctor’s office and say: I’ve got pain and swelling in my finger”, the doctor will probably just tell you it is arthritis. Which basically, you just said the same thing only he/she is saying it back to you in Latin. Naming a disease does nothing for the relief of the symptoms but somehow we’ve been taught that it is important to know what the disease is. Maybe that helps take the focus off the fact that we’re still hurting.
Pain killers actually make things worse. Pain helps us to stop using the joint and it helps us to rest. When you take a pain killer and continue to do the action that irritated the joint, you contribute to chronic inflammation. This is much harder to heal. If the pain is due to an injury—say you hit your thumb with a hammer and it throbs. So, you take some pain killers and continue to hit it with a hammer—are you helping or hurting the thumb? Most people don’t intentionally hit their thumb with a hammer but they do an activity that causes stress on joints and if you think about it…that’s the same scenario.
Anti-inflammatory herbs help to calm inflammation and so does icing the injury. The body’s natural response to an injury is to send a variety of messengers to the site. One of those might be the immune’s system’s clean-up crew to gobble up the injured cells; some might be ambulances to carry away the injured; other’s might be clotting mechanisms to deal with sealing off the neighborhood and some might be red blood cells to bring nutrients to the site for healing. You can see that congestion could be a problem: too many ambulances; clotting too fast and this blood clot can further the congestion and create a worse problem later; if the blood doesn’t clot you can have a huge bruise that takes weeks to go away (especially if there aren’t the right nutrients available for healing).
When you injure yourself one of the first things you do (after you swear) is to grab the injured part and rub! What we don’t do is rub long enough. I have found that if I can continue rubbing the area until there is no more heat, I won’t have a bruise later. I have used this technique countless times and not ended up with a bruise. Along with rubbing I’ve used Tei Fu oil in a mixture with Silver gel or a healing cream. I actually have a spray I keep handy that has purified water; Enzyme spray; Distress Remedy; Silver gel and Tei Fu or Lavender (or both) in it to spray on injuries. I label it: Boo Boo Spray!
The recipe varies but you start with filling the spray bottle (I usually use a two ounce) with purified water (I use my Nature’s Spring purified water) to about ¾ full and then add a teaspoon of Silver, a teaspoon of Nature’s Sunshine’s enzyme spray and 10 drops of Tei Fu and/or Lavender and a couple droppers of Distress Remedy. It lasts quite a long time (several years) but it should be taken with you when you camp or go on trips. Whenever you bump yourself you should spray and rub until you don’t feel heat. When the heat comes back—spray and rub some more! It’s like erasing away the pain. It is also an effective bug spray.
Arthritis often forms due to an injury. One of the things that the blood brings to an injury site is calcium. This helps to alkalize and calm the area. If there is too much congestion the calcium does not leave the area and attaches to the bone. These are the crystals that you can see on an x-ray. These crystals don’t hurt and the site doesn’t usually hurt anymore unless they press on a nerve. The crystals will often inhibit range of motion. They may hurt if they are in the form of a spur but it usually is the nerve that you feel.
Poor dietary intake means that the blood stream won’t have the nutrients needed for repair and reducing secondary injury through inflammation. If your body has K2 and antioxidants readily available it will be able to heal faster. The body also requires minerals and vitamins present for a myriad of tasks that require an efficient healing process.
Re-injury occurs because we don’t rest long enough and the body does not have time to heal. We want to continue what we’re doing and not be interrupted by an injury. Rest is a very important part of why it takes longer to heal when we don’t provide time for healing. So, take a few minutes now to avoid greater pain later.
Reducing inflammation is another big thing. Sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods we consume. This is one of the reasons Diabetics seem to have a lot of arthritis—they don’t have the right tools to metabolize sugar properly. Cutting down on sugar in the form of alcohol, simple carbohydrates (even salty snacks that have a lot of white flour will turn too quickly into sugar) and of course, sugary foods.
What do you do when you are in pain? I hope you initiate the spray and rub technique I just gave you. It also works well in washing out an injury without hurting. It can help sanitize an injury while it begins assisting the immune response. If an injury is bleeding and you’ve washed it out properly you can blot it and then put some gauze over it. You need to let the clotting process take hold but you can still move the energy of the body by doing the rubbing motion about a half inch away from the skin. This helps to keep congestion to a minimum while allowing the blood to clot.
Depending on how deep the wound and how well your body clots will determine when you will be able to do the rubbing directly on the skin or continue above the skin. The rubbing process will cut down on the bruising or in many cases make it so the bruise never forms. As far as I know there are no bad side effects to using this technique when done as I directed.
Having nutrients like D3, Krill with K2 in the blood stream at the time of an injury will give the immune system tools to minimize damage done to bone cells and surrounding tissues. Some information recently available about these nutrients and how they can help people with the pain of arthritis.
Also, I want to thank Steven Horne who taught me the “Light Fast stroking method” to healing injuries. I appreciate this and have passed this information on to countless others and many people have benefitted by using this technique. I personally have used it for bumps, bruises, cuts, burns and a variety of other injuries. I hope you will too.
I also love the Nature’s Sunshine Relief Formula to help with the pain of injuries. I don’t use even over the counter drugs. I haven’t had an aspirin in over 10 years. I use anti-inflammatory herbs and herbal remedies such as the Relief Formula.
Water too is important as it helps make up the interstitial fluid that is like a highway for delivering nutrients and waste materials to and away from cells. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B658Yn3INYc What essentially you are doing in the Light Fast Stroking is directing the traffic along that highway.
Learning how the body works helps you understand how to assist the healing process. I find this far more important than naming a disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an auto immune condition that I feel first starts with a leaky gut. Rheumatoid arthritis involves immunological processes that cause swelling of the synovial fluid located between the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is especially common in feet, ankles, knees, hands, and proximal (inner) joints on each finger.
More information can be found about the link between leaky gut and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Lastly, Arthritis does not have to come with aging. Eat right; move your body; drink lots of healthy water and take good quality supplements. Practice the Fast Light stroking. Learn more about the fluids of the body: http://treelite.com/courses/classdetails.php?id=417
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #618 Love is…
Good Morning!
According to Corinthians: “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”
What love isn’t, is easy. We think it should be easy, but the truth of the matter is…its work! Look at what Corinthians says: Love is patient. We live in a world of immediate gratification. Patience is not cultivated. With patience comes nurturing. We need to nurture love. Court love; Seduce love! How do you treat yourself? Do you feed your body junk food? Do you give it a good night’s rest before demanding that it deal with all the stress of your day? You probably feed and nurture your pet better than you do your own body. Be kind to yourself.
Often time’s people have horrible self-deprecating inner thoughts and sabotaging self-talk. Do you give yourself the break you would others? Do you look at others and compare their achievements with envy or jealous thoughts? We truly don’t know the struggle of others. Committing ourselves to a goal and working on it in small quantifying steps should be congratulated---don’t wait for the end result. It takes courage to complete each of the small tasks that result in a goal accomplished.
When our boys were growing up we never allowed them to joke at the expense of someone else’s bad fortune. When we boost our self-esteem by devaluing others it really only devalues us. When you help someone less fortunate it helps you feel better about yourself. Try righting a small wrong. Even if it is just to pick up a wadded up paper and put it into the recycle bin. Each time you “right” the universe, it sends good energy back to you. It is quantified tenfold if you don’t expect anything for it.
Being truthful especially to you is very difficult. We always want to justify our bad behavior. The end result is that you must rectify it and not justify it. Consequences are end results to something either done right or wrong. If you do what is right the consequences are usually pleasurable. These values are intrinsically tied into conscience and conscience is tied into self-esteem.
Forgiveness is needed because we are human and we make mistakes. Most of the time we unknowingly make mistakes but occasionally we make a mistake because of bad circumstances. It is still our decision to make the mistake or it is our decision to be in that circumstance. We are in control and to blame others is an effort to not be in control. Being not in control puts us in the victim mentality. “Everything bad happens to me”; “it always ends up this way”; “I can never win”…”my life sucks!” In order to lose the victim mentality one must take control and bring choice back into the equation. Forgive yourself for bad decisions and find a way to make it right.
Hope is the energy that turns on endorphins and they in turn initiate a healing response. Just as love comes from within, hope also is an energy that vibrates through our being and it is the opposite of discouragement. I don’t feel that hope relies on science because scientists don’t believe in energy. Energy is physics. Science would have you believe they are in control and they will find the next “cure”. Physics designates that self has power—we just don’t know how to apply that power. Hope is tied into “knowing”. It comes from within and appreciates all the wonder that is around us. It is the energy of actually experiencing something wonderful: a rainbow, a whale breaching, a sunrise or sunset. It is the “awe” initiated from within at the sight of a baby’s smile. Capture and retain that moment and you will know hope. It is setting aside misery and grasping that which is beautiful.
My husband and I have been married for 48 years. We’ve been in love for that long also. There have been times when I really didn’t like him and I’m sure he can say the same. When you love someone you examine why you don’t like what they’ve done, and in general, it is something within you that needs to be healed. I believe that one truly can’t be loved until one loves and respects themselves. And that is the most difficult task of all. We all have “buttons” that when pushed make us react. If we can just pause and take a deep breath before we react it might mean the difference between being sorry for that reaction and a deeper understanding of self.
Many people come to me that need emotional healing. This is the reason for such a “thought provoking” eGram. Some people haven’t known happiness in so long they’ve forgotten what that feeling is like. Life is a boomerang. What you send out comes back to you…what are you sending out? How can you make it different? One of the lessons I learned from Steven Horne (one of my favorite mentors) is to ask the question. How would it feel like…
How would it feel like to be truly happy? Since you can’t imagine it, you aren’t expected to respond with the answer. Repeating this question several times and in between each repetition take a deep breath; allows the question to go out into the universe. Whatever higher being you believe in, I prefer “God” will hear you and show you. The trick is to be ready for it. This readiness is part of hope. It is anticipation that there is an answer and somehow it will be revealed.
Hope is not a direction, “I hope I win the lottery”. Hope is about rightness. It isn’t something your “deserve” or are granted. That would be like I deserve a heart. You already have it. You simply need to set it in motion. Jump starting hope with a flower essence like, “Be Courageous” may help. God gave us the flowers to enjoy and their energy help us to heal emotions. The flower energy in Be Courageous helps to lift self-doubt. It includes: Mountain Pride to assist with inner confidence; Aspen for those who suffer from doubt and fear; Scleranthus for correct decision making; Mimulus for unreasonable fear; Cerato for indecisiveness or seeking approval from others; Blackberry for willpower; and Red Clover for group panic or driven by the media’s view. This combination has helped many people develop confidence in self.
Confirming hope is taking action: feeding oneself nutritiously, getting healthy exercise and sleep; taking supplements and cleansing with good water intake and fiber. Sometimes toxins will drag us down. You can start with a mild tissue cleanser like All Cell Detox or even liquid Chlorophyll. When your energy is good you can do a full body cleanse such as Clean Start or Tiao He Cleanse. Be kind to yourself and treat your body with respect. Love is a many splendid thing.
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #617 Cox 1 and 2
Good Morning!
Cyclo-oxigenase 1 and 2 are part of the “pain” pathways. This pathway signals inflammatory markers and sets up signals to deal with infection and other invasive organisms. So, inhibiting these responses can affect our body’s ability to deal with disease. Interrupting the natural function of the immune system and the signals that set up the inflammatory response can lead to an interruption in the defense system of the body.
Let’s think of it a little differently—remember Star Wars? When the shields were down everyone was on alert for invasion. The shields protected everyone in the Enterprise from harmful invasion. This is what our immune system does—protects us and identifies when the body has been invaded. We’ve been misinformed that inflammation is bad. Inflammation is part of the immune system coming to the rescue with macrophages and other immune factors for removal of dead cells and ambulances to carry away the injured.
Cytokines are any of a number of substances that are secreted by specific cells of the immune system which carry signals locally between cells, and thus have an effect on other cells. They are a category of signaling molecules that are used extensively in cellular communication. They are proteins, peptides, or glycoproteins. The term cytokine encompasses a large and diverse family of polypeptide regulators that are produced widely throughout the body by cells of diverse embryological origin. These cells use the same pathway as the Cox 1 and 2 and are suppressed when this pathway is suppressed with medications.
The action of cytokines may be autocrine or paracrine, but not endocrine. Cytokines are critical to the development and functioning of both the innate and adaptive immune response, although they are not limited to the immune system. They are often secreted by immune cells that have encountered a pathogen, thereby activating and recruiting further immune cells to increase the system's response to the pathogen.
Aspirin and other pain medication exert the inhibition of these pathways in the effort to reduce pain and inflammation. Many people will take such medication prior to working out because they know their muscles are going to be sore. Some will take these drugs routinely in an effort to suppress pain. Suppressing this cascade with NSAIDS interrupts the mucosal linings such as in the gastrointestinal system.
Inhibiting proper digestion can create serious cascades in the body’s ability to metabolize and utilize nutrients needed for cellular repair. So, in an effort to reduce pain we also slow down the healing process and in some cases set up the environment for disease. I’m not saying one should grin and bear it but to help the body to minimize the inflammatory response and let the healing occur. When you inhibit the inflammatory response you are putting the healing ability of the body in slow motion and in some cases actually stopping it. Repair of cells and the development of replacement cells will depend on the immune system for signaling and delivering. This communication is vital to healing.
We naturally will rub an injury when it happens. Why do we do this? Did it ever occur to you that this too is part of the immune system signaling us to assist with the healing process? Circulation is important in getting repair mechanisms to the site of an injury. The problem is we simply don’t rub long enough to make a difference—we’re too busy to sit there for 10 minutes and rub. If we did this however, there is a good chance that you wouldn’t even bruise!
I’ve done it myself. On numerous occasions I’ve bumped myself and actually broken the skin. After mopping up the blood, I will elevate the limb so it is above the heart and rub to increase circulation. Doing brisk rubbing is like moving the ambulances along. When you don’t rub long enough the ambulances carrying the dying cells and tissue congest—this is what causes the bruising. If you rub with aloe or some other tissue healing support, you will intensify the healing process.
You follow the rubbing with ice and this slows down the inflammatory response but doesn’t stop it. Icing allows a trickle of “ambulances” into the area so they can do their job. Following a half hour of applying ice, do the rubbing again. This process increases healing and works with the body to minimize the damage done. It really is amazing how well this works. I urge you to try it the next time you are injured. You could assist the body even further by taking a natural pain reliever that works with the body and doesn’t suppress the natural healing process.
The root of the curcumin plant has been used for thousands of years and proven safe and effective to reduce inflammation and pain. But beware—not all curcumin supplements are created equal. Those who rush out to the market or health food store to buy curcumin capsules and ditch their ibuprofen might be initially disappointed. At fault would not be the substance itself but its modest absorption by the body ―only a small percentage is absorbed into the bloodstream!
Some clients have coughed up yellow clouds because they didn’t purchase the recommended brand. And as far as trying to get it into your diet with Curry—forget it! Even if you ate it with every meal it would be difficult to consume enough for medicinal benefits. The best and most digestible of Curcumin in the proper scientifically researched dosage is found in the Nature’s Sunshine brand of Curcumin with BP (black pepper). This combination excels in pain relief as well as calming inflammation even with chronic inflammation such as what is found in the pain of osteoarthritis.
Dr. Mercola, in a recent article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/01/31/curcumin-relieves-pain-and-inflammation-for-osteoarthritis-patients.aspx explains how Curcumin can benefit not only Osteoarthritis patients but also other inflammatory conditions such as: Cystic fibrosis; Type 2 diabetes; Crohn's disease; Psoriasis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Cataracts; Gallstones; Muscle regeneration and Inflammatory bowel disease. There has even been research that shows promising reviews for Alzheimer Disease and Cancer. The best part is it isn’t addictive and when taken as directed totally safe.
The downside is it is a bit pricey. However, the upside is that it can help in so many serious conditions that can’t seem to be helped but only suppressed by drugs. Some studies show that if you take it with Omega 3 EPA you can help build tissue that is damaged by inflammation. I think this would be amazing for someone who has struggled with Psoriasis or Rheumatoid arthritis. Some people see results within a month and others see results slowly but with gradual improvement. What do you have to lose? What pain are you now suppressing and how are you affecting your body’s natural immune response?
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #616 In Case of Emergency
Good Morning!
Do you have a First Aid Kit? The average kit will include band aids of various sizes; some gauze; tape; alcohol swabs; Instant cold pack; tweezers; disposable gloves and often some kind of antibacterial.
To clean a wound that is bleeding you want to use something that won’t sting and yet kills bacteria or viruses so that the wound doesn’t get infected. I use a spray that has Silver Shield, Lavender, Distress Remedy and the base is NSP Enzyme spray. Spraying this on to wash the wound helps to calm inflammation and feels soothing to the tissues. It works on several levels to assist the body in healing.
Lavender essential oil: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=3907-8 Is analgesic (pain relieving), antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal—so no matter what the injury, Lavender can support anti-infection and calm the trauma of the injury both emotionally and physically. It is also cooling to the tissue and can stop the damage to the cells opposing the injury. It is especially beneficial for skin.
The Distress Remedy is an emotional healing remedy that specifically deals with trauma. It calms anxiety and it too has pain relieving qualities. Often time’s an injury has an emotional component that involves anxiety in some way. Helping the body to move this energy is an essential part of whole body healing. http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=8778-3
Silver Shield is a patented nano particle silver that can be absorbed into the cells to assist the immune system in healing. It is also antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. It can help the body kill off invading organisms before they can take hold to set up an infectious disease. Spraying this on a wound as soon as possible can mean the difference between healing a wound in a day or two verses weeks or months. The biggest problem when an injury occurs is to keep it from getting infected and to calm the inflammatory response.
The Enzyme Spray is added to the mixture to help wash the wound. Antibacterial soaps contribute to antibiotic resistance infections that are becoming more and more virulent. Using a gentle spray such as this can help to wash the wound and it is intensified in its ability to assist in healing when you add the above mentioned ingredients.
Triclosan, the leading germ-fighting compound in antimicrobial soaps, acts by destroying enzymes in bacteria cell walls so they cannot replicate; it targets the same enzyme as the antibiotic isoniazid, used to treat tuberculosis. This chemical has raised concerns even among medical doctors as it is so harsh it can irritate the tissues of even healthy skin. Since the objective is to break down enzymes in the cell walls it makes sense to use a gentle spray that has no history of allergic responses; such as the Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray.
By now you are probably wondering what the recipe is. To a 2 ounce spray bottle add to ¾ full purified water then: 1 teaspoon of Silver Shield; 1 Teaspoon Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray; 2 droppers Full of Distress Remedy and 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil. You are now ready to spray any wound. If the wound is bleeding you spray to clean and then use gauze to dab gently until bleeding stops. If the wound is bleeding profusely—spray and then hold the gauze tightly to the wound to compress. If it bleeds through then spray again and apply the gauze but this time add extra absorbent material (a menstrual pad works well here). Compress until bleeding stops.
You want to clean the area gently but do not encourage it to bleed more. Put a covering over it. If it is small you can use a band aid but you might have to use a gauze pad and secure it with tape. Elevating the limb helps to discourage blood flow. At this point you can place an ice pack on the wound to further discourage extra inflammation. You might also want to take an anti-inflammatory supplement such as Relief Formula. You might also want to internally take a dose of Distress Remedy. (Distress Remedy can actually be taken every 15 minutes to help calm and support pain relief due to trauma).
Do you have some basic understanding of what to do in case of emergency? Most First Aid kits will have suggestions on how to handle most injuries. The quicker you attend to an injury the quicker your body will regain equilibrium. Also, if the body is healthy it will respond quicker than if the body is already dealing with poor health. Eating a healthy diet can give the body the tools it needs to respond with immediate cellular production and tissue repair.
If your circulation is good this too will encourage faster healing. The body’s immune response will send via the immune system and circulatory system antibodies; fighter cells; anti-inflammatory as well as inflammatory responses. It sends out clotting mechanisms to shore up the wound. In most trauma or injury the first thing you feel is pain and the next response is swelling.
Swelling is like a bunch of ambulances coming to the scene. You want ambulances to carry away the injured or destroyed tissue—but too many can create congestion. This is where circulation is important. To assist with circulation you can rub. You want to do this in a gentle manner and you can rub without even touching the body. It is the same flow of energy that a Reiki master will use to assist in healing. You simply stroke quickly back and forth about an inch above the injury.
This type of stroking is especially beneficial for sunburn and injuries where you don’t want the bleeding to begin again. You need to continue the stroking for a minimum of 5 minutes. This feels like an eternity when you are doing it but it is minimum—if you tire too easily team up with someone else to do the stroking. You will be amazed at how fast the pain of the injured party subsides. We actually do this stroking or rubbing whenever we injure ourselves but we just don’t do it long enough to facilitate healing. We rub for about 10 seconds and then we are too busy to continue—we’d rather take a “pain” killer and go on with our activities. The pain killer isn’t going to do near as much as the rubbing would do.
Once the pain subsides to a slight throb you can then touch the skin and rub vigorously (not if it is a bleeding wound though). This works especially well if there is a bump and no broken skin. Spray the wound as above and rub the fluid into the tissue. My favorite bruise preventive is Tei Fu essential oil. I will spray the above “BooBoo spray” and then drop a few drops of Tei Fu essential oil onto the injury. The skin may be scratched or just raising a bump but if you rub vigorously enough you will see the bump go down and the skin won’t even discolor! It is like magic. Please try this the next time you bump yourself and let me know how it worked for you.
Even if you don’t have the spray made up (which I really encourage you to do as soon as you can to have on hand), make sure you rub. This encourages circulation and moves those “ambulances” along. I personally haven’t had a bruise since I learned this technique from my mentor, Steven Horne. I am so grateful for some of the techniques I learned from Steven. It has prevented me from suffering for long periods of time just by taking a few extra minutes at the time of the event to help my body heal.
Many of us have taken first aid courses in school or as adults. Having a few things on hand to assist when an emergency arises can make the difference in how long an injury takes to heal. I think that herbal formulas and essential oils are far more effective than aspirin, alcohol and Neosporin. Taking these or applying them on the body comes with effects such as drying out the skin and changing the pH of the skin. Internally, they may help with inflammation but every drug comes with it side effects. These chemicals have raised doubt and are not to be taken long term and yet, people take them long term. In some cases, I think they even interfere with the natural healing processes instead of assisting.
What do you do when you have a burn? In the class on Saturday I discussed some simple techniques of what a person can do if you get burned. In some cases it is smart to call 911 but in others the burn can be handled at home. Even if 911 is called what can you do while waiting for them to arrive? What do you do for trauma—this certainly occurs if someone is burned! I will be teaching 5 things to do in case of injury or trauma after each monthly class. The next class is on Pain and I will be teaching pain techniques after class as well as discussing some natural pain solutions during the class—hope you can attend.
Calming the body so that it can deal effectively with injury is extremely helpful. Essential oil of Lavender assists the body in calming and it also is a great burn remedy. This and Distress Remedy are two remedies that should be on everyone’s shelf to deal with emergencies. I also take these two with me whenever I travel. I also take Tei Fu essential oil and Silver gel. You don’t want accidents to happen but they do. The more prepared you are to handle them and the more you know what to do, the calmer you can respond to a trauma event. Wouldn’t it be better to deal with something quickly so that it doesn’t turn into a chronic condition?
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #615 Get iNSPired
Good Morning!
Inspired: animated, aroused, or imbued with the spirit to do something! What have you been thinking about and wanting to do but have been holding back doing? For many people the reason they hold back on their dreams is fear. Fear can be a good motivator but for most people it puts them in freeze mode.
When a person has a desire to do something that they’ve tried before and failed to do—it sets up a “fear vortex”. What happens in a fear vortex is this: you set out to do something and before you can accomplish it—a situation occurs that ends up in you being afraid. That fear can be one of failure. This is a very common fear. Nobody wants to be a failure. However, we should look at a child who is learning how to walk. How many times does that child fall before they can be an accomplished walker?
How many adults do you see crawling around because they got discouraged when learning to walk and just gave up? What is it about children and their tenacity to accomplish their goals and yet adults give up after a few failures? Why do we get the idea: Been there, done that and don’t want to be there again! Instead of looking for better solutions to attain our goal—we just give up.
Fear vortexes involve our energy and this energy, or should I say—lack of energy; puts a freeze on our abilities. To bypass the freeze we need a subtle nudge. A loved one can sometimes do this but I’ve also seen this backfire because we are more afraid of what that person will feel toward us if we fail again. So, what if there was a liquid (not alcohol!) that we could take that would inspire us to bypass the fear and Be Courageous?
The flower essences in this combination include: Aspen—for those who quake in their shoes at the prospect of failure; Mountain Pride—for those who lack assertiveness and inner confidence; Scleranthus—for those people who are chronically hesitate about decisions; Mimulus—an essence that helps people who struggle with childish or ordinary fears like animals, pests, elevators, heights etc. In other words too apprehensive about anything new; Cerato—for those who don’t trust their own abilities and are always looking to others for decisions; Blackberry—for those people who have difficulty starting new projects and lack willpower; and finally, Red Clover for people who are influenced by fear, anxiety and panic when viewed in others—such as news reports or family issues.
The combination of Be Courageous can help people move past the freeze into action. It helps you to examine why you haven’t been able to move forward and to get out of the emotion and back into logic where you can make healthy decisions and take appropriate actions. This liquid is especially helpful for those who procrastinate or for those who feel they make bad decisions. It is also helpful for people who begin a project but don’t complete it. Children can benefit from these gentle yet effective remedies as well as adults.
Do you fear going to bed at night, or know someone who does? How about someone who stutters, has tightness in the shoulders or headaches? Often these symptoms are associated with the fear to make decisions or say the wrong thing. This remedy has helped even dogs get over shyness—it has helped them when they experience loud noises and quiver. Do you know anyone who is overly sensitive and fearful? How about mood swings?
Vacillating back and forth about should I, shouldn’t I can use up a considerable amount of energy. For a loved one to see this going on is also exhausting. If you want to help someone who is like this but are too sensitive for you to even approach there are even answers that are available to nudge them into confidence. Here is one solution: Take two droppers full of the Be Courageous and put it in a 2 ounce spray bottle along with 5 drops of Lemon essential oil. Fill the rest up with either purified water or Nature’s Fresh Enzyme spray (this helps to keep the oil and drops emulsified). If using just water, make sure you shake vigorously before spraying. Now, spray the room (makes a lovely air freshener); bedding etc. Let me know your experiences! It may surprise you how this can change the energy in the room.
Emotional vortex experiences happen to most of us. Some people develop anxiety issues over these vortexes and others shove them deep inside thinking it is doing them no harm if they don’t think about it. Often this solution is a non-solution because shoving something deep inside us can set up an environment for illness. Trauma vortexes will be discussed in this coming Saturday’s class if you can attend: 10am in Berkley—248-623-2288 to register and find out more.
I just got back from NSP’s National Convention and I’m inspired to help people attain their health goals even more. We have solutions that are healthy and have world class quality. I’m inspired to be part of the NSP vision for helping people either in their health, family health or their financial health. How can I iNSPire you?
The favorite part of what I do is hearing the success people have. This success can come from attaining their dreams—big or small; or simply by learning they can have happiness. Whenever I hear from someone who accomplished a health goal it excites me to share again with others. The best part of working with natural and trustworthy supplements is that you know you aren’t going to harm anyone. Supplements made with integrity either works, or it doesn’t. Drugs always have side effects. The only “side effect” from properly designed supplements is side “benefits”.
For example: someone I know took Collatrim to help them lose weight and they also improved their ability to grow hair, (not just stop losing it but grow it); and their joints didn’t hurt. They also found out that they moved from osteoporosis to osteopenia in six months’ time. They actually had the diagnosis of osteoporosis from a steroid drug they had used as a child for allergies! Now she able to build better bone through taking this easily absorbed protein that assists with bone density. How amazing is that?!
Herbal remedies often help with a myriad of health challenges at the same time. When you assist the body with the inflammatory response what happens is truly amazing. Think of anything that contributes to pain and the fact that pain is one of the indicators of inflammation—if you address the pain with natural anti-inflammatory herbs, you can assist the natural healing course of the body. If you cover up pain with drugs—this healing doesn’t occur. What happens instead is a person will often continue to injure themselves because pain isn’t there to stop them from doing the harm.
What is stopping you from achieving being the best you can be? What would iNSPire you to become what it is you’ve always wanted to become? Have courage—Be Courageous!
Yours, For The Health of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.